In the Name of Allaahu, the Reality of Love, the Source of Love
Ya Sayyidina Haqq, ya Ahmad, ya Muhammad!
O heart of mine!
Rise in Love now from your deep slumber,
Greet the Sun of Existence,
Love, Beloved, Lover of the Sweet Truth!
Roaming the silent valleys and hills of my Beloved's Sacred Heart,
I draw endless inspiration as if from the dawn of the Spring of Love's endless youth.
Have you heard how the unseen winds embrace each other above the shadowy plains of the world?
Between the trees, they fill each other's soul and know only the Living Spirit of Love as that which moves them between their awakening and slumber.
By the Reality that sustains my breath,
He is the Ultimate Pearl from the Heart of the Shoreless Sea that houses countless longings,
He is the most Fragrant Flower from the Heart of Life,
He is the Tenderness of the seasons borne from the intoxicating breeze of affection on Love's first Day.
He is the Wine Stream that teaches my heart to flow back to the Sea beyond imagination
For it says:
"I have always known you, O Prophet, since the dawn of creation.
When the heart sees that which is beyond the veils, who can deny this?"
But before his Beauty, my shyness persists,
So I hide my violet songs of Love as my heart sighs:
"How can a Beauty like you be stranded on Earth, O Mirror of Love?"
Allaahu, the Reality of Love, says:
"We are at last united by Love, That Which I am,
Doesn't your spirit see Me in the Moon of his Beauty?
Nothing can take you away from Me, for My Beloved's Reality fills all forms of Love, of Beauty, of Life."
Here I am alone, yet I am not alone.
My spirit has been given the power to conquer the blue horizon of appearances
And a thought of my Master makes my soul blend with the melting Light of Love's Essence.
This way I quench my spirit's thirst for harmony and beauty
And when his Heart speaks to mine, my voice softens and my anguish is subdued.
Does the day know that every night I sing him the song of hope?
This is a lesson of patience for the sublime hearted.
Ya Habib, ya Nur,
Ya Ahmad, Ya Muhammad!
Everytime the Tides of Love of Allaahu come,
I find ourselves caressing each other's soul,
Yet in truth, my soul is but a shadow of yours...
For you are the Breath of the Shoreless Sea,
The Tears of Paradise,
The Joy of the field of my heart that overcomes my silent sorrow and unfolds my memories.
Never hide your Beauty from me, O Beloved,
But submerge me in the Deep Sea of your Living Truth
For in the silent depths of my soul, you are the Wordless Song that lives in the seed of my heart.
I would rather be without eyesight rather than lose your Soul that dwells in my heart
For to me this is Sight and Hearing.
Who dares speak aloud the words intended for the heart only to utter in silence?
Only in my Beloved's Reality alone
Can the roar of the Sea be united with the song of the nightingale.
O Prophet, unto your pure Heart, I say:
Our song is a melody uttered by your quivering strings in the House of Love,
Our song is sung in silence alone in the domain of Intimacy,
Our song is covered with the clamor of the world,
Our song is dressed with Truth and unfolds in Truth,
Our song is hidden in my awakening,
Our song is understood only by Love.
It is Love's own song in the secret dimensions of the heart,
Such love often refuses to melt with the world but flows with the essence of the stars.
O Sweetheart, may the winds at eventide convey the whispers of your heart unto mine,
And mine unto yours:
Your Light is the Singular Beauty that attracts my soul,
And that makes me want to give and give only, and not receive,
Yet who among the sincere could refuse to receive the Light that makes his spirit blossom?
I feel your Presence of Light deep within,
By Allaahu's Mercy,
Melt me into the Shadowless Essence of your Pure Reality, O Love!
Behold, the Mystery of Love has seized my being,
How can I remain any longer when everywhere I see my Beloved only?
Nothing, nothing can hinder this annihilation by the Reality of Love,
Everywhere I turn is the place where I am not!
All this feels like a magnificent gale which unites
Both longing-driven sorrow and unsurpassable joy,
It is the Unseen which I see,
The mystic resonance which I understand,
The Silence which I hear...
In Allaahu alone do I witness and understand all this...
O Ummi, O unspeakable One!
Ya Sayyidina Haqq, ya Ahmad, ya Muhammad!
Dedicated in love with unspeakable longing and tenderness
To our Beloved Master,
Our Teacher, our Guide, our Pillar of Hope,
The Imaam of the Holy Light,
The Spirit of Loving Surrender,
The Summit of Existence,
The Light of Love on the Endless Horizon,
The Mercy unto the worlds,
'Alahazrat Rasul Allaahu Muhammad al-Musthafa (salla Allaahu 'alaihi wa salaam)
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