Sunday, June 17, 2007

Our Duty on Earth as Muslims

Our Duty on Earth as Muslims

Our Duty on Earth as Muslims magnify

In the Name and Reality of the Beloved, Hu...

Our duty on earth as Muslims is to spread mercy, my dear ones, because we follow the Messenger of Mercy SAW (salla AllaaHu alaihi wa salaam). Therefore, first and foremost, be available to all people and do not reject anyone. What is a good person but a bad person's teacher? And what is a bad person but a good man's concern?

In Islaam, it is allowed to retaliate against someone who has done wrong to you. However this shouldn't be taken for granted. (The same also holds for poligamy.) This holds for people of a certain moral standard, still developing into better Muslims. The Prophet SAW has also shown a better way, which is, to forgive. Remember the story in which a dirty floor must be cleaned with pure, clean water, and not dirty water? Be fluid and gentle like the pure flowing water that overcomes even the hardest thing in the world. Nothing is stronger than gentleness of heart. It ultimately leads to openness and openness leads to the subtle perception of the way things originally are. Just be gentle, tender, and all of life is yours.

O Muslims, each one of you, let your forgiving heart express itself in any situation. AllaaHu's Mercy flows through our forgiving others. Remember, that we each are born of Hu's Mercy. The same Mercy nourishes the many worlds. All things vanish into the purity of the heart except love.

The Holy Prophet SAW and his dear companions and those who after them (may AllaaHu be pleased with them all) viewed the whole creation with compassion because they perceived and understood the Absolute Reality, the Whole, al-Haqq. Their constant practice was therefore humility. The humility which is one with limitless love leads to constant awareness (remembrance) of the Object of the heart's desire, AllaaHu. That is the right approach ('adab) towards AllaaHu, the Beloved, and the fruit of it, undiscriminating love (compassion), is honey and healing to the entire creation.

Salaam e Ishq,


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