Sunday, June 17, 2007

Poetry (4)

Poetry (4)

Poetry (4) magnify

In the Name of AllaaHu, the Reality of Love, the Source of Love

O Love

O Beloved,
Let my heart become a planet in Your heaven.
Let me receive your whispers,
As the stars receive light from Your Hidden Face.

Fill my heart with Your love,
That my every teardrop may become a star.
In Your Ocean of Power, Beauty and Majesty,
Let my heart melt in Your Light
Annihilate me once and for all
O Sweetheart!

Let the light of love's constellations sparkle across the tears in my eyes,
As I battle to overcome the obstacles to giving vent to my nostalgy
To merge in harmony with You,
To realize my non-existence and embrace Your Existence,
O Love!

Ya Habib, Ya Mahbub, Ya Muqalab al-Qulub, Ya AllaaHu...



I Am, I Am

Never stand by my grave and weep,
For I'm not there, I don't sleep.

I'm a thousand winds that blow invisibly.
I'm the diamond's glint on snow,
I'm the sunlight on ripened grain,
I'm the gentle autumn rain.
I'm the soft bush of the morning light,
I'm the swift bird in flight.
I'm the running brook, the singing rivulet.
I'm the lush cedar.
I'm the deep valley, the mystery of humility.
I'm the invincible mountain, the peak of glory.
I'm the splendor of the sunset, the shattering delight.
I'm the majestic sky in solitude,
I'm the dancing aurora and cosmic rays.
I'm Beauty in all its forms.
I'm the vast Ocean, yet also its vortices and tides.
I'm the Infinitesimal, the Infinite.
I'm the very depth of Reality, the outer forms.
I'm Reality.
I'm the Truth.
I'm Pure Intelligence, I'm Pure Emotion.
I'm Wisdom, I'm Love.
I'm Light, light upon lights!
I'm "THAT".
I'm Existence.
I am, I am.

Never stand by my grave and cry,
I'm not there, I don't die, only death dies.
I'm Life and life forever lives.
I'm Eternity gazing at Itself through you, my friend.
Hence know who you are,
Who you really are deep inside,
Once and for all.




When my Beloved appears to me,
With which eye do I see Hu?
With Hu's own, not with mine,
For none sees Hu but Hu's Self!

O lover of beauty of majesty!
Polisher of the heart!
Hu is known only through Hu
Drink the potion of love
From the cup of annihilation
From the spring of mercy
From the melting of the snow of your longing
See Hu in Hu.

Fana i Allaahu
Ishq, Ishq, Ishq.
Next to love, none can stand!

Starlit skies, waves on the sand
None can stand Hu's Reality.
For there's no reality but Hu.

A gaze at the Beloved's Beauty
Is more worthy than the whole world,
It is Hu,
In Whose Reality even love surrenders.

Come back home now, O way farer!
For the Beloved is longing for you
More than you are longing for Him.

Empty yourself of yourself,
For at the door of love,
Only Hu is found.

Allaahu, Allaahu, Allaahu

Allaahu Haqq!



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