A Mother's Letter to Her Child
Image of my soul, delight of my heart, sweetness of my life,
You are like unto a seed having been dropped by the hands of Life upon this field called the Earth, breaking through its ground before the face of the sun, in all seasons. My dear, I'm sure you will grow into a great tree, its root in the heart of the Earth and its branches high in the sky. Just be yourself, don't be deafened by the world and its clamor. Rather, be drunk with your own breath, O heart of my heart!
Be original, pierce and unfold the darkness of the Infinite. One day, my daughter, ask yourself and meditate in the stillness of the night and find out whether you are a slave of yesterday or a winged soul free for tomorrow. I can tell you that many people walk unconsciously at the funeral of the era that they have created for themselves. Even now, they are drawing a rotten rope that might break anytime soon and cause them to drop into a forgotten, deep abyss. Their thoughts, sayings, quarrels, laws and compositions are often nothing but chains dragging them and they are too weak to pull the load. Life, therefore, appears weighty and bleak in them. It is as if Beauty were absent. Remember always that Beauty is weightless, like unto a flower floating on a water surface. None discovers Beauty save in his own high tides and silence.
Know the pain of being original, the intricate passions in being unique. Count not your days and nights. Rather, live in the depths of moments. Cherish those moments of singularity. Should you desire a pattern, then live a silent-bound life and, after a while, release a great storm, even only once. This way, you shall be fulfilled, and Life and Beauty shall remember you in their Heart as their Artist and Orator. Contain multitudes, even infinities, this way.
The world hasn't really changed much since its last pitiful warring era. Injustice still happens to some people who carry with them a torch in the darkness. But do not fear, my little songbird, let it suffice that you have the capability of high dreams. I assure you, there is, somewhere on the horizon, a growing and expanding field, it is forever reaching and engulfing all sensitive, intelligent souls; noble minds will gain their sympathy there. Come and tell the world who and what you are, as you know yourself. Tell them your dreams. You don't have to tell them in words, just work hard silently for your dreams. Originality wrapped in silence can sometimes feel like an oasis in the desert. A lot of people are full of self-admiration; the old ones keeping their heads in the valley of their dusty past where the ages have actually long discarded the remnants of their clothes and useless ideas; the younger ones often waste their present boasting in order to feel satisfied. People like these, though they may appear to be great shall only remind you of an ancient tribe, dressing themselves in animal skins, that vanished before leaving the cave. Therefore be a true human that takes no action save in silence and sweeps the world with Love's flame.
You are a mind of tomorrow, a mind of the future, for you live with the present and in the Reality that sustains it. We are the ones called by Life, so let's follow her with steady steps and heads held high... We are going to reach the dawn of frontiers together. Such souls are few who feel called by Life to work for something out of sheer love and passion.
You can always seek me with hours to live, my dear winged Child. Someday, you may feel like a child playing by the Ocean and building sand-towers with constancy and then destroying them with laughter. I'm always here to listen to you. While you build your sand-towers, the Ocean will bring more sand to your shore for me and when you destroy them, the Ocean shall laugh with you and I too will laugh with the same innocence.
I will always watch over you from the summits of existence.
The sky, the earth, the mountains and myself are one in the Solitude of God.
Deeper than my own depths, stronger than my own strength,
Love binds us together very strangely in existence, my dear Child.
One day, come to where I am, with a winged heart.
From up there you will see
The birth of soft whisperings upon the wind, and
The death of many worlds.
In the shadows of the world ,
I have watched all these things.
When you have watched these happenings yourself,
Forgive yourself of yourself.
Until then, my dear butterfly, until the freshness of the dawn droops in the sun, and until the heaviness of your longing for me melts away with a sweet meeting...
Until a new morning breaks free with all of Love's glory, for you and for me to see.
On the far horizon, my love, beyond which only silence enfolds us, find out where the Ocean meets the sky, where there seems to be nothing between them, between life and life, between existence and existence, where disappointments are no more. There is pure hope, there is Love. Behold something purer than that which the whole world can witness.
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