Shalawaat al-Kubra of Shaykh Ibn 'Arabi
لسلام عليكم ورحمة اللهِ وبركاته.
Salaam Allaah,
The following shalawaat are the major shalawaat of ath-Thariqah al-Mu'tabarah al-Ahadiyya (al-Wujuudiyya) of Shaykh al-Akbar Ibn 'Arabi (qaddas Allaahu sirrah) which are dedicated to the Blessed Reality and Direct Presence of Sulthaan al-Anbiyyaa' wa Sayyid al-Wujuud wa Habiib al-Kamiil Rasuul Allaah (shalla Allaahu Ta'ala 'alaaihi wa aalihi wa shahbihi ajma'iin).
These invocations are intended for advanced dervishes (Ahl al-Wushuul) walking the 'Path of Arrival' or ath-Thariqah al-Wushuul (also called ath-Thariqah al-Minnah, the Path of the Favored Ones), which is the stage after, but not separate from, ath-Thariqah al-Amaaliyyah (Thariqah ash-Shari'ah), which is one with the Stage of 'Irfaan (Gnosis or Direct Knowledge (Ma'rifah)), and which is one with the Revelation (Unveiling) of al-Ism al-A'zham, the Hidden, Greatest Name of Allaah Ta'ala.
"As'aluka Allaahumma antushalliya wa tusallima 'alaa Sayyidil Mursalin; wa Imaamil Muttaqqin alladhii khalaqtahu min Jalaalika wa zayyantahu bi Jamaalika wa tawwajtahu bi Kamaalika wa ahhaltahu li ru'yati Dhaatika, wa ja'altahu mahallanli Asmaaika wa Shifaatika, wa qaranta Ismahu bi Ismika wa thaa'atahu bi thaa'atika, Muhammad ibni 'Abdillaahi wa aalihi wa shahbihiddaa'ina ila Allaah."
"O Allaah, I beseech You to shower shalawaat and salaam upon the Master of Messengers and the Leader of the Truthful whom You have created with Your own Majesty, whom You have adorned with Your own Beauty, whom You have allowed to gaze at Your Essence, whom you have made the Locus of all Your Names and Attributes, whose Name You have joined with Your own Name, and obedience to whom You have made (equal to) obedience to Yourself, Muhammad ibn 'Abdillaah, and upon his Family and Companions who call (people) towards Allaah."
"Allaahumma shalli 'alaa Sayyidinaa Muhammadin Naaibi Hadhrati Dhaatika, al-Muhaqqiqi bi Asmaaika wa Shifaatikal jaami'i bainal Wujuudi wal 'Adami wal Barzakhil faashili bainal huduutsi wal qidam; 'Ainul Ahadiyyati alladhiin fataha bihii kullu maqfuulin wa jabara bihii kullu maksuurin wan 'ataqabihi kullu maqhuurin."
"O Allaah, shower (Your) shalawaat upon Sayyidinaa Muhammad, (the) Representation of the Presence of Your Essence, who realizes Your Existence with all Your Names and Attributes, who gathers existence and non-existence, separates the new (created) and the ancient (uncreated); (the) Essence of Singularity by whom is opened everything that is sealed, by whom is healed everything that is shattered, and by whom is freed everything that is enslaved."
In a noble hadith related by 'Abd Allaah al-Mas'ud it is said that during his last days upon the Earth, our Most Beloved Nabi (saaws) said unto his companions who were grief-stricken by the imminent departure of their Beloved Prophet (saaws) after hearing its news directly from him (saaws),
"For you all, I have left behind my Two Weighty Inheritances: al-Mahajjad, which is ash-Shari'ah al-Islaamiyyah, and ath-Thariqah al-Baidha', which is the Clear Path. And I have also left behind Two Sources of Guidance, the first of which is the Speaking One, which is the Qur'an, and the other is the Silent One, which is Death (Mawt)."
The referred Path, which is the Heart of ath-Thariqah al-Baidha' al-Haqq, has reached Shaykh Ibn 'Arabi (qs) through the following Silsila:
1. Hadhrat Khwaaja Quthb al-Haqq, Bahr al-Anwaar wal Qudrah wa Sirr al-Asraar, Ruuh al-A'zham wa Nuur al-Wajh Allaah, Sulthaan al-Anbiyyaa' wa Taaj al-Awliyyaa' wa Rahmatan lil 'Aalamiin, Muhammad Rasuul Allaah
2. Hadhrat Khwaaja Quthb al-Mutassyarif wa Mirrat Allaah, Imaam 'Ali ibn Abi Thalib Asad Allaah wa Rasuulih
3. Hadhrat Khwaaja Salmaan al-Farsi
4. Hadhrat Qasiim ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr ash-Shiddiq
5. Imaam Quthb al-Zamaan Ja'far ash-Shadiq
6. Imaam Musa al-Kazhim
7. Imaam 'Ali ar-Ridhaa
8. Shaykh Ma'ruf al-Karkhi
9. Shaykh Sari as-Saqathi
10. Shaykh Quthb ad-Diin al-Junayd al-Baghdaadi
11. Shaykh Abu Bakr ibn Khalaf asy-Syibli
12. Shaykh Abu al-Fadhl 'Abd al-Waahid at-Tamimi
13. Shaykh Abu al-Faraaj ath-Tharsusi
14. Shaykh Abu al-Hassan al-Hakkari
15. Shaykh Abu Sa'id al-Mubarak 'Ali al-Mahrami
16. Hadhrat Khwaaja Ghawth al-A'zham wa Sulthaan al-Awliyyaa' wa Quthb ar-Rabbaani wa Ka'ba al-Muriidin wa Murabbi as-Saaliqiin, Shaykh 'Abd al-Qaadir al-Jiilaani
17. Shaykh Jamaal ad-Diin Yunus ibn Yahya al-Hasyimi
18. Imaam al-Ajal wa Bahr al-Akmal wa Faridu 'Ashrihi wa Aazaanihi wa Shaykh al-'Ilm wa Haamilu liwaaihi, Shaykh al-Akbar Muhyi ad-Diin Ibn 'Arabi
Peace and blessings of Allaah Ta'ala be upon them all. Shaykh Ibn 'Arabi (qs) passed the Knowledge and Secrets of this Thariqah onto his brilliant student, Shaykh 'Izz Ahmad, all the way down to Sayyid 'Abd al-Kariim al-Jiili, all the way down to the Chosen One of our time. The Silsila shall end with Imaam al-Hujjat Muhammad al-Mahdi (ajallaahu thallah faraajahum).
May the above be useful to us all for the sake of the Beautiful Face of Rabbul Izzaat, Allaah Ta'ala.
"Ayna-ma tuwallu fa-tsamma Wajh Allaah."
"Wherever you turn, you see the Face of Allaah."
(Q.S. 2:115)
Allaahu Nuurun 'alaa Nuurin.
Love and Salaam,
لسلام عليكم ورحمة اللهِ وبركاته.
Salaam Allaah,
The following shalawaat are the major shalawaat of ath-Thariqah al-Mu'tabarah al-Ahadiyya (al-Wujuudiyya) of Shaykh al-Akbar Ibn 'Arabi (qaddas Allaahu sirrah) which are dedicated to the Blessed Reality and Direct Presence of Sulthaan al-Anbiyyaa' wa Sayyid al-Wujuud wa Habiib al-Kamiil Rasuul Allaah (shalla Allaahu Ta'ala 'alaaihi wa aalihi wa shahbihi ajma'iin).
These invocations are intended for advanced dervishes (Ahl al-Wushuul) walking the 'Path of Arrival' or ath-Thariqah al-Wushuul (also called ath-Thariqah al-Minnah, the Path of the Favored Ones), which is the stage after, but not separate from, ath-Thariqah al-Amaaliyyah (Thariqah ash-Shari'ah), which is one with the Stage of 'Irfaan (Gnosis or Direct Knowledge (Ma'rifah)), and which is one with the Revelation (Unveiling) of al-Ism al-A'zham, the Hidden, Greatest Name of Allaah Ta'ala.
"As'aluka Allaahumma antushalliya wa tusallima 'alaa Sayyidil Mursalin; wa Imaamil Muttaqqin alladhii khalaqtahu min Jalaalika wa zayyantahu bi Jamaalika wa tawwajtahu bi Kamaalika wa ahhaltahu li ru'yati Dhaatika, wa ja'altahu mahallanli Asmaaika wa Shifaatika, wa qaranta Ismahu bi Ismika wa thaa'atahu bi thaa'atika, Muhammad ibni 'Abdillaahi wa aalihi wa shahbihiddaa'ina ila Allaah."
"O Allaah, I beseech You to shower shalawaat and salaam upon the Master of Messengers and the Leader of the Truthful whom You have created with Your own Majesty, whom You have adorned with Your own Beauty, whom You have allowed to gaze at Your Essence, whom you have made the Locus of all Your Names and Attributes, whose Name You have joined with Your own Name, and obedience to whom You have made (equal to) obedience to Yourself, Muhammad ibn 'Abdillaah, and upon his Family and Companions who call (people) towards Allaah."
"Allaahumma shalli 'alaa Sayyidinaa Muhammadin Naaibi Hadhrati Dhaatika, al-Muhaqqiqi bi Asmaaika wa Shifaatikal jaami'i bainal Wujuudi wal 'Adami wal Barzakhil faashili bainal huduutsi wal qidam; 'Ainul Ahadiyyati alladhiin fataha bihii kullu maqfuulin wa jabara bihii kullu maksuurin wan 'ataqabihi kullu maqhuurin."
"O Allaah, shower (Your) shalawaat upon Sayyidinaa Muhammad, (the) Representation of the Presence of Your Essence, who realizes Your Existence with all Your Names and Attributes, who gathers existence and non-existence, separates the new (created) and the ancient (uncreated); (the) Essence of Singularity by whom is opened everything that is sealed, by whom is healed everything that is shattered, and by whom is freed everything that is enslaved."
In a noble hadith related by 'Abd Allaah al-Mas'ud it is said that during his last days upon the Earth, our Most Beloved Nabi (saaws) said unto his companions who were grief-stricken by the imminent departure of their Beloved Prophet (saaws) after hearing its news directly from him (saaws),
"For you all, I have left behind my Two Weighty Inheritances: al-Mahajjad, which is ash-Shari'ah al-Islaamiyyah, and ath-Thariqah al-Baidha', which is the Clear Path. And I have also left behind Two Sources of Guidance, the first of which is the Speaking One, which is the Qur'an, and the other is the Silent One, which is Death (Mawt)."
The referred Path, which is the Heart of ath-Thariqah al-Baidha' al-Haqq, has reached Shaykh Ibn 'Arabi (qs) through the following Silsila:
1. Hadhrat Khwaaja Quthb al-Haqq, Bahr al-Anwaar wal Qudrah wa Sirr al-Asraar, Ruuh al-A'zham wa Nuur al-Wajh Allaah, Sulthaan al-Anbiyyaa' wa Taaj al-Awliyyaa' wa Rahmatan lil 'Aalamiin, Muhammad Rasuul Allaah
2. Hadhrat Khwaaja Quthb al-Mutassyarif wa Mirrat Allaah, Imaam 'Ali ibn Abi Thalib Asad Allaah wa Rasuulih
3. Hadhrat Khwaaja Salmaan al-Farsi
4. Hadhrat Qasiim ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr ash-Shiddiq
5. Imaam Quthb al-Zamaan Ja'far ash-Shadiq
6. Imaam Musa al-Kazhim
7. Imaam 'Ali ar-Ridhaa
8. Shaykh Ma'ruf al-Karkhi
9. Shaykh Sari as-Saqathi
10. Shaykh Quthb ad-Diin al-Junayd al-Baghdaadi
11. Shaykh Abu Bakr ibn Khalaf asy-Syibli
12. Shaykh Abu al-Fadhl 'Abd al-Waahid at-Tamimi
13. Shaykh Abu al-Faraaj ath-Tharsusi
14. Shaykh Abu al-Hassan al-Hakkari
15. Shaykh Abu Sa'id al-Mubarak 'Ali al-Mahrami
16. Hadhrat Khwaaja Ghawth al-A'zham wa Sulthaan al-Awliyyaa' wa Quthb ar-Rabbaani wa Ka'ba al-Muriidin wa Murabbi as-Saaliqiin, Shaykh 'Abd al-Qaadir al-Jiilaani
17. Shaykh Jamaal ad-Diin Yunus ibn Yahya al-Hasyimi
18. Imaam al-Ajal wa Bahr al-Akmal wa Faridu 'Ashrihi wa Aazaanihi wa Shaykh al-'Ilm wa Haamilu liwaaihi, Shaykh al-Akbar Muhyi ad-Diin Ibn 'Arabi
Peace and blessings of Allaah Ta'ala be upon them all. Shaykh Ibn 'Arabi (qs) passed the Knowledge and Secrets of this Thariqah onto his brilliant student, Shaykh 'Izz Ahmad, all the way down to Sayyid 'Abd al-Kariim al-Jiili, all the way down to the Chosen One of our time. The Silsila shall end with Imaam al-Hujjat Muhammad al-Mahdi (ajallaahu thallah faraajahum).
May the above be useful to us all for the sake of the Beautiful Face of Rabbul Izzaat, Allaah Ta'ala.
"Ayna-ma tuwallu fa-tsamma Wajh Allaah."
"Wherever you turn, you see the Face of Allaah."
(Q.S. 2:115)
Allaahu Nuurun 'alaa Nuurin.
Love and Salaam,
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