Monday, July 28, 2008

Laylat-ul Mi'raaj: Thousands of Shalawaat

In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Bismillaah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem

Allaahu, Allaahu, Allaahu!

Allaahu yaa Mahbuubanaa

Yaa Hu yaa Haqq-ul Wujuud

Yaa Huwa man laa Huwa illaa Huwa

Anta Huwa wa Huwa Anta

Sirr, Sirr, Sirr

Allaahu Wujuud-idz Dzaatiyya

Allaahu Nuurun 'alaa Nuur

Yaa Allaah yaa Rabbanaa

Shalli afdhaal-as shalawaat 'alaa-n Nabi Mahbuubanaa

Sayyid-il Mi'raaj Muhammadin Naa'ibi Hadhrati Dzaatika

Nuuri Wajhika

Nuuri Jalaalika wa Jamaalika wa Kamaalika

Allaahu Jalaal, Allaahu Jamaal

Allaahu yaa Mahbuubanaa

As'aluka ladzdzatan nazhari ilaa Wajhika

Bi haqqi Habiibika

wa Imaami Hadhratika

wa Sirri Asraarika

wa Bahri Anwaarika

wa Ma'dini 'Ilmika

wa Thariiqati Syarii'atika

wa Haqiiqati Thariiqatika

wa Nuuri Ma'rifatika

wa Haza'ini Rahmatika

wa Tirazi Mulkika

wa 'Arusi Mamlakatika

Habiibii wa Sayyidii Muhammad

Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhammad

Insaani 'Ain-il Wujuudi wa-s Sababi li kulli Maujuud

Yaa Allaahu yaa Mahbuub Hu

Shalla 'alaa Dzaati-l Muhammadiyya-l Lathiifa-l Ahadiyya

Shalla Allaahu 'alaa Ruuh-ul Muhammadiyya-l 'Azhiim

Hu Allaahu Mahbuub Hu!

Beloveds of Allaah,

May Allaah, the Beloved, submerge you all in His Ocean of Mercy on the Night of Ascension (Laylat-ul Mi'raaj), which is the Night of Power (Laylat-ul Qadr) whose Splendor surpasses the totality of creational worlds and their phenomenal multiplicity. May He Ta'aalaa, the Beautiful, show you all the Sign of His Signs by His Oneness (Ahadiyyah), for the sake of His First and Foremost Beloved, Sayyidinaa Muhammad (shalla Allaahu 'alaihi wa aalihi-th thaahiriin wa shahbihi ajma'iin).

Allaah Ta'aalaa says in the Opening of Suurah al-Israa' in al-Qur'aan al-Kariim:

"Glorified be He (Allaah) Who took His Slave (Muhammad, s.a.w.s.) for a Journey by Night from the Sacred Mosque (al-Masjid al-Haraam) to the Furthest Mosque (al-Masjid al-'Aqshaa) whose surroundings We have blessed, in order that We might show him (i.e. unveil for him) Our Ayat (Sign). Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer."

Know, dear sweethearts, the essential meaning of this remarkably beautiful verse whose heart forms the Essence of Islaam itself. Indeed, this is the very foundation of Tashawuf (Sufism). On this precious occasion of the Mi'raaj of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.), let us therefore remind ourselves of a few essential points implied by it.

In the above verse, the word 'Slave' means His Essential Beloved, the One desired by Him, the Real (al-Haqq), for Himself. In the outward (creational) realm of forms, this word implies a very humble position though it is but an infinitely tender metaphorical expression (majaaz) of Sincere Love ('Isyq Haqiiqiyah) which is desired by none other than the Seal of the Messengers of Allaah (s.a.w.s.) himself (in a famous hadith, he (s.a.w.s.) outwardly declares that he would rather be a Slave-Prophet than a King-Prophet). Yet the title 'Slave' here hides the Secret of Secrets (Sirr al-Asraar) in the most hidden realm of Essence (Dzaat), in Allaah's boundless Silence.

The True Lover is called 'Slave' by Allaah Ta'aalaa in honor of His First Beloved (s.a.w.s.) because in the realm of Essence, unlike in the realm of creational entities, only His Infinitely Subtle, yet Irresistible, 'He-ness' (al-Huwwiyyah al-Jalaaliyyah wa-l Jamaaliyyah) matters. And, prior to 'being desired (wanted) by Him for Himself' this cannot but require the vanishing of creational individuality so that the Slave may subsequently 'encapsulate' all the elixirs (al-lathaaif) of the Beloved's First Longing directly in the fold of Reality, without essential (substantial) separation from the Real.

This cannot be achieved through perishment (fanaa') alone. It is ultimately achieved only through the endowment of Substantial Attributes (ash-Shifaat al-Haqqaani) emanating from Allaah's own Essence (Dzaat) upon the Slave. This is in order that the Wayfarer (Saalik) may know, truly know, the Beloved by means of Direct, Intimate Witnessing (al-Musyaahadah al-Hudhuuriyyah). And, in the whole process of crossing the 'Intermediary Island' (al-Barzakh) between Essence (Absolute Unity, Reality) and Creationality (Divisibility, Relativity), the Wayfarer depends on Allaah's Essence alone, for 'otherness' (that-which-is purely creational) does not, and cannot, exist in the realm of Essence. Therefore he is called a 'Slave', i.e., the one who in his journeying towards Self-Actualization relies on Allaah's Mercy and Power alone. He entirely depends on Allaah's Longing for himself in his way towards Unveiling (Kasyf).

Allaahu Qaadir, Allaahu Muqtadir, Allaahu Jalla Jalaaluhu

They ask me why I achingly love my Laylaa this much,
Whose name I can only utter with shyness and painful longing.

They wonder why I am drowning in self-exhaustion and self-extinction,

When they see no sun nor moon nor stars in her countenance.

Oh speaking of faces!

What do you know of faces?
And eyes?

Have you ever seen the Full Moon hidden from wakeful eyes
Behind the curtain of a thousand nights?

Friend, if you insist upon calling me mad,
Just replace your eyes with these eyes of mine,
And be drowned in the tears of those who know Love as Love.

These are the tearful eyes of Laylaa herself
For I have sold my own unto Love's Blinding Flame.

I am the Price of my sweet Lathiifah, my Love,

I am the Ransom of Love's Taste and Severity.

May you understand why this heart throbs for that which it sees
Between the Shadow and the Spirit.

Now, let's consider the rest of the above verse:

"...for a Journey by Night from the Sacred Mosque (al-Masjid al-Haraam) to the Furthest Mosque (al-Masjid al-'Aqshaa) whose surroundings We have blessed, in order that We might show him (i.e. unveil his Real Self beyond temporality) Our Ayat (Sign). Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer."

Subhaan Allaah! If you are able to read this with Comprehension and heightened sensitivity (taste), you shall be in the Garden of Intimacy where Rivulets of Wine flow eternally. The word 'Night' here refers to the state of multiplicity of creational existences, which is the totality of the created worlds. This is the Great Veil (Hijaab) that both spans countless separable, perishable forms and 'mirrors' al-Haqq at the same time but lacks the 'substance' of His Reality. Therefore, going beyond the Veil is necessary in our journeying from that-which-is perishing and relative to that-which-is Real in Itself. And this can only be achieved by means of Essential Power which enables the Saalik to cross the Boundary through the Reality of the First Sacred Manifestation (Emanation, Zhuhuur) of Allaah's Essence (al-Faidh al-Muqaddas), Muhammad (s.a.w.s.), whose Rank in the realm of Essence is that of the First, Universal Spirit (ar-Ruuh al-A'zham), while, with respect to the realm of Creationality, he (s.a.w.s.) is the Great Isthmus (al-Barzakh al-Kubraa) and the Subtle Boundary (al-Misykaat al-Khaafi). Hence, with respect to creational existences, the name 'Laylat-ul Qadr' refers to the Body of Muhammad (al-Binyah al-Muhammadiyyah), which is the apparent establishment of the 'Arsy (Throne) of Allaah, which is none other than Walaayah. The word 'Body' here refers to the 'Substantial Mirror' by which al-Haqq is 'reflected' ('seen') in the realm of passing shadows.

The Sacred Mosque (al-Masjid al-Haraam) refers to the Sacred Heart of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s.), which is absolutely strictly forbidden for 'otherness' ('that-which-is-not (of) Essence'). This is the Domain of the Real, the 'Private Realm' (al-Mihraab) of the Presence of Singularity (al-Hadhrah al-Ahadiyyah) alone.

The Furthest Mosque (al-Masjid al-'Aqshaa) refers to the Direct Witnessing (al-Musyaahadah al-Hudhuuriyyah) of the Most Hidden Essence (al-Wujuud adz-Dzaatiyyah) in the Muhammadan Light (an-Nuur al-Muhammadiyyah) whose Radiant Essence is from Allaah's own Essence. This is the 'Mount Sinai of Comprehension', the highest point of Knowing, the Total Muhammadan Intellect (al-'Aql al-Kull al-Muhammadiyyah) which is also the First, Universal Intellect (al-'Aql al-Awwal). Very, very few can reach this Station. Those among the Sufis (Awliyyaa') that have reached this Station actually receive their Light directly from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.), without an intermediary whatsoever. Consequently, they are directly empowered by the Highest Substance ('Illiyyin) and see no other station but the Station of Muhammad (al-Maqaam al-Ahmadiyyah), which is the Eternal Station of Existential Perfection (al-Maqaam al-Baqaa' bi Allaah ba'd al-Fanaa').

The phrase "whose surroundings We have blessed" represents the Domain of Friendship-Intimacy (Walaayah) given to those who, through the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.), have reached his Reality (al-Haqiiqah al-Muhammadiyyah) by following him in performing their own Ascension (Mi'raaj) towards the Real (al-Haqq). The true blessings in this sacred domain are therefore Direct Knowledge of Allaah Ta'aalaa (al-Ma'rifat adz-Dzaatiyyah) and Subtle Knowledge of the Real (adz-Dzaat al-'Ilm) which is also known as the 'Sacred Drink' (asy-Syaraab al-Wasl). Therefore, when someone reaches this Point of Walaayah and dwells in its substantial heart, he becomes a Sign (Ayat) of His Signs. A Face (Wajh) of His Faces. A Name (Ism) of His Names.

Finally, Allaah Ta'aalaa closes the verse with

"Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer."

This is meant to signify the fact that the advanced journey of the Lover towards the Beloved is entirely mediated by the Power, i.e., Essential Hearing and Seeing, of the Real alone. In other words, by the Witnessing of the Real Himself. This is because "Essence (Truth) is experienced only with (that-which-is of) Essence (Truth)." That is why it is normal for the Sufis to say, "We have seen Allaah by Allaah."

Beloveds of Allaah, we have seen what an exalted reality the Mi'raaj is. Therefore it is irresistibly incumbent upon those with real Taste (Dzauq) and Longing (Syauq) to proceed towards the Best of stations, the Station of Ihsaan (Excellence). Know that this is the highest Goal (Purpose) of Creation itself.

Alhamdulillaah, this has been made possible by Allaah, Who is Most Merciful, Most Loving, for some among the Ummah of Sayyidinaa Muhammad (s.a.w.s.). He Ta'aalaa has truly exalted some of us above other communities by means of 'Ahmadan Wushuul' (Arrival). Allaah has desired a few among us to be His Awliyyaa', for the sake of His First Beloved (s.a.w.s.).

The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has said,

"My Mi'raaj has been given unto my Ummah, through Shalaat."

Indeed, Shalaat ('Namaaz', which encompasses Witnessing (Syahaada)) is the First Pillar of Islaam for it unites all the essentials of reaching and knowing Allaah Ta'aalaa (al-wushuul ilaa Allaah). Nothing whatsoever can replace it. In Shalaat, and only in Shalaat, Syarii'ah, Thariiqah, Haqiiqah, and Ma'rifah are all encompassed as One.

Let's heed a few subtle points related to Shalaat:

1) The Qiyaam (Standing). This represents the letter 'Alif' (or, 'Mim', in the absolute sense), the First Alphabetical Letter, which represents the Direct Witnessing of Allaah as the One (al-Waahid al-Ahad) or the Necessary Being (al-Waajib al-Wujuud) both in phenomenal multiplicity and in the realm of Essence. It is often said to especially represent the Eternally Living (al-Hayy) and the Self-Existent (al-Qayyuum), among Allaah's Names and Attributes. Therefore, it represents the stations of Ahadiyyah and Waahidiyyah at once. In fact, the latter is essentially encompassed by the former. This is the station known as al-Maqaam al-Tauhiid (the Station of Allaah's Singularity), which encompasses 'al-Tauhiid ar-Rubuubiyyah adz-Dzaatiyyah' (with respect to Allaah's Singular, Intrinsic, Essential, Absolute, Necessary Being) which is one with 'al-Wahdat al-Asmaa' wa ash-Shifaat' (through which one exalted by Allaah Himself is said to represent the Unity of His Manifestations: His Names and Attributes). This station, encompassed by the Qur'anic verse 'Qul Hu Allaahu Ahad' ('Say: He is Allaah the Singular, Absolute Truth-Being' (i.e., Singular and Absolute in Himself, without anything particular or general which is exterior and dual to Him whatsoever: 'Huwa Huwa' ('He (alone) is He') or 'Allaahu Allaahu' ('Allaah is Allaah')), is the actual Foundation of the 'Seven Heavens' and the 'Seven Earths', and is therefore the Pillar of Pillars of Ma'rifat, and is the Heart of Existential Purity (Shafaa') itself. In fact, all other particular stations in the Shalaat are but subtle manifestations of this station.

2) The Rukuu'. The corresponding letter for this is 'Tha' ('Mim'). This represents, in an apparent form, the Station of Walaayah itself. And Walaayah is precisely the 'Arsy or Kursi (Throne) of al-Haqq whose Reality extends infinitely beyond the heavens (spiritually graded forms) and the Earth (the coarse physical realm).

3) The Sujuud. The representative letter for this is 'Mim' which signifies Existential (Muhammadan) Perfection, the First and the Last, the Unique, the Self-Complete, which is beyond the phenomenal forms (existences) of the creational Universe. Therefore, in the zhaahir (outward) way, it is performed by 'annihilating one's creational face', in addition to all the 'seven points' of the human body, in the Presence of the Real (al-Wujuud al-Muthlaq), so long as one's face here represents creational individuality.

The first Sujuud (in each raka'a) represents the Station of al-Fanaa' through the Reality of Direct (Prophetic) Knowledge (al-Maqaam an-Nubuwwah al-Muthlaq). The second Sujuud represents the Station of al-Baqaa' (al-Maqaam al-Walaayah al-Muthlaq). The Two 'Mims' in the Name 'Muhammad' indeed reflect these realities. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) is both the Absolute Prophet (Nabi) and the Absolute Saint (Wali). In fact, the exalted Rank of the Seal of Prophets and Messengers can only be claimed by he who is essentially and singularly both the Absolute Prophet and Absolute Saint at once.

4) The Tasyahhud. The letter for this is 'Ha' ('Mim'). This is the Station 'hidden' between the Two 'Mims' (two sujuuds). In other words, this lies in, and is perfectly sealed by, the Muhammadan Heart (al-Qalb al-Muhammadiyyah, also essentially known as as-Sirr ar-Rahmaani) itself. At this station, one, as a Radiant Manifestation of the First Universal Spirit, beholds Allaah as 'Nuurun 'alaa Nuur' (Light upon Light), by the Power of
Nubuwwah al-Muthlaq which is one with Walaayah al-Muthlaq. This is the Fulfillment or Perfection of 'Aadam ('alaihi salaam) told in the Qur'an (in 15: 29):

"Once I perfect him ('Aadam), and blow into him My Ruuh, you shall fall prostrate before him."

The Ruuh here is none other than the Great Muhammadan Spirit (ar-Ruuh al-A'zham al-Muhammadiyyah) also known as an-Nuur al-Muhammadiyyah, the First 'Self-Image' (Desired Manifestation) of Essence.
This is the Reality of the Holy Prophet (al-Haqiiqah al-Muhammadiyyah). In a qudsi hadith, Allaah Ta'aalaa says,

"I manifested the Light (Reality) of Muhammad from the Light of My own Face (Self),"

which complements the hadith of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.),

"The First Manifestation of Allaah was my Light,"

as well as the two other famous ahadith,

"I am the First and the Last,"


"The First is Muhammad, the Middle is Muhammad, the Last is Muhammad."

The manifestation of the Light of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) is an 'event' which took place 'a thousand years' before creation began and it happened in the realm of Essence, not elsewhere (since 'otherness' hadn't come into existence at this level). The Muhammadan Self is therefore truly Perfect because it was manifest in the Realm of Essential Perfection where imperfection (which implies separability, gradation, temporality, finiteness, and disintegration) is absolutely impossible. The phrase 'a thousand years' corresponding to the first of the three ahadith above denotes immeasurability from the point of view of creation due to the essential difference between the shadowy and the Real.

In the above are some of the secrets of the most beautiful Qur'anic initials such as 'H(aa) M(iim)' and 'Th(aa) H(aa)'. Subhaan Allaah. Know therefore, the difference between a real Wali and a fake Wali (someone who claims to be a Sufi or a Wali). The difference is the former's adherence to the Syarii'ah by sincerely keeping his daily prayers, while always attaining the level of Ihsaan in doing so. Very often, the fake Wali (Sufi-claimer) is he who speaks about the Sufis and their stations (maqaamaat), conditions (ahwaal), and attributes (shifaat) in order to attract disciples (muridiin) but does not keep his daily prayers and other foremost obligatory duties prescribed by the Syarii'ah. Such a person is the Wali of Kibr (Vain Pride) instead. There is an exception in this case for the under-aged (the child-like), the mentally retarded, and the insane. But in general, this criterion holds true. By Allaah, the Station of Direct Knowing can only be attained by walking the Straight Path (Shiraath al-Mustaqiim) and crossing the Last Boundary (Sidr al-Muntahaa), whose Fruit is known as 'Thuba' which is Gnosis (Ma'rifat) and Eternal Friendship-Intimacy (Walaayah) with Allaah, by means of 'Slaveship' ('Ubuudiyyah, combined with Perfect Sincerity (Ikhlaash)), and nothing else.

Allaahumma shalli 'alaa Sayyidinaa wa Mawlaanaa Muhammadin maanfalaqatil anwaaru bidzaatihi

O Allaah, shower Your sweetest blessings upon our Master and Leader, Muhammad, by whose Essence, and only by whose Essence and at Your Will, lights can brightly shine

Allaahumma shalli wa sallim wa baarik 'alaa Sayyidinaa Muhammadin Nuuri-dz Dzaati wa-s Sirri-s Saari fii jamii'-il asmaa'i wa-sh shifaati

O Allaah, shower Your sweetest blessings and peace upon our Master, Muhammad, Light of all essences and Secret in the hearts of all names and attributes


Thousands of Shalawaat

Once there was a sincere Servant of Allaah who used to recite part of the following shalawaat every night before he went to sleep. In fact, he was finally favored by Allaah and graced with Walaayah by keeping this as a sweet habit. One night, prior to receiving his Rank as a Wali of Allaah, in his dream he saw the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) who told him with infinite tenderness,

"Give me the mouth that utters those shalawaat for my sake. I yearn to kiss it."

He immediately woke up and found that his heart was teeming with al-'Ilm al-Ladunniyyah (the Hidden Knowledge). Eversince then, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) was never veiled from his sight, whether he was awake or asleep. Subhaan Allaah.

So let me share these shalawaat with you, insha Allaah, for the sake of my Beloved, Sayyidinaa wa Mawlaanaa wa Ruuhanaa Muhammad Nuurun 'alaa Nuur min Nuurillaah wa Habiibii Rabb-il 'Aalamiin (s.a.w.s.). For Love's sake, may nothing remain of this burning heart of mine!

Bismillaah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Shawaariq-al Anwaar wa Sayyid-al Mi'raaj

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Master of Lights and the Ascension

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Sayyid-al Mursaliina

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Master of Messengers

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Sayyid-an Nabiyyina

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Master of Prophets

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Sayyid-ash Shiddiiqiina

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Master of the those who see with the Light of Truth

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Sayyid-ar Raaki'iina

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Master of those who perform rukuu' (shalaat)

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Sayyid-al Qaa'idiina

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Master of those who sit and busy themselves with remembrance of Allaah (dzikrullaah)

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Sayyid-as Saajidina

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Master of those who perform prostration (sujuud)

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Sayyid-adz Dzakiriina

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Master of the People of Remembrance

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Sayyid-al Mukabbiriina

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Master of those who glorify Allaah

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Sayyid-azh Zhaahiriina

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Master of the manifest servants of Allaah

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Sayyid-asy Syaahidiina

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Master of those who testify to Allaah

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Sayyid-al Awwaliina

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Master of the earliest people of Allaah

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Sayyid-al Aakhiriina

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Master of the last people of Allaah

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Sayyidii yaa Rasuulallaahu

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Master, O Messenger of Allaah

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Nabiyyallaahu

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Prophet of Allaah

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Waliyyullaahu

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Beloved Friend of Allaah

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Sayyidii yaa Habiiballaahu

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Master, O Allaah's Dearest Beloved Sweetheart

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa man Akramahulullaahu

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Honored One of Allaah

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa man 'Azhzhamahulullaahu

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Exalted One of Allaah

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa man Syarrafahullaahu

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Glorified One of Allaah

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa man Azh-harahulullaahu

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Manifest One of Allaah

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa man Ikhtaarahullaahu

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Chosen One of Allaah

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa man Shawwarahullaahu

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O the One Depicted by Allaah

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa man 'Abadallaahu

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Devoted One of Allaah

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Khaira Khalqillaahu

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O the Best of Creation

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Khaatima Rasuulillaahu

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Seal of the Messengers of Allaah

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Imaam-al Anbiyyaa'i

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Leader of the Prophets of Allaah

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Sulthaan-al Awliyyaa'i

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O King of the Beloveds of Allaah

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Burhaan-al Ashfiyyaa'i

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Proof of Sufis

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Mushthafaa

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Chosen One

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Mu'laa

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Exalted One of Allaah

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Mujtabaa

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Chosen One of Allaah

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Ummii

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Unspeakable, Indescribable One

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Sayyida Waladi 'Aadama

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Master of the children of 'Aadam

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Ahmadu

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Ahmad

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Muhammad

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Muhammad

Yaa Muhammad

Yaa Muhammad

Yaa Muhammad

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Haa Miim

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Haa Miim

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Thaa Haa

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Thaa Haa

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Yaa Siin

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Yaa Siin

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Shaahib-al Kautsari

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Owner of the Fountain of Blessings

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Syafii'u Yaum-ul Mahsyari

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Giver of Intercession on the Decisive Day of Gathering

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Shaahib-at Taaji

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Owner of the Crown of Majesty

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Shaahib-al Mi'raaji

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O the One who was singled out by the Single and ascended beyond the Last Boundary

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Sayyid-al Awwaliina wa-l Aakhiriina

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Master of the First and Last Ones of Allaah

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Sayyid-al Muhsiniina

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Master of the Beautiful Ones of Allaah

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Shaahib-an Na'laini

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O Master of the hidden and manifest worlds, O Leader of jinns, angels, and mankind

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Sayyidii yaa Rasuulallaahi yaa Khaatimal Anbiyyaa'i wa-l Mursaliina

May a thousand blessings and salams eternally be upon you, O my dearly exalted Master, O Messenger of Allaah, O Seal of the Prophets and Messengers of Allaah

Alfu alfi shalaatin wa alfu alfi salaamin 'alaika yaa Sayyidii yaa Nabiyyallaahi ilaa Yaum-id Diini wa-l hamdu lillaahi Rabb-il 'Aalamiina

May a thousand blessings and salams always be upon you, O my dearly exalted Master, O Prophet of Allaah, until the Day of Resurrection; all Praise belongs to Allaah, Lord, Creator, Sustainer, Cherisher, Evolver of the Worlds

May the above be useful to us all. Allaah's sweetest peace and blessings be upon the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.), and upon his Pure Family and Companions. I bear witness that Ascension (Mi'raaj) is his (s.a.w.s.) and that the Goal and Reality are his (s.a.w.s.).

Allaah's Most Unworthy Servant,


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