Beloved 'Ali
By Dani
On the Wiladat of Hazrat 'Ali
('alaihi as-salaam wa karram Allaahu wajhah)
Sublime is your banner,
Lofty is your grandeur,
That knowing you is the goal of goals.
O Eternal Radiance,
We utter your blessed name to light up the darkness,
And, in silence, behold Eternity
With our inner eyes brightened.
Soul of my eyes,
With every gaze that falls upon your Blessed Face,
Like the morning rain and dew drops,
Is the ancient impulse in every Lover's heart
That necessitates his home-coming.
Beloved 'Ali,
The Sun of Love that enlivens our hearts
And burns our souls with her heat
Belongs to you,
O Dignified One.
What on Earth can discover
Your Secret?
Which news of life
Has not conveyed your Beauty to us?
Countless tears have been shed for you,
Backs have bent,
And hearts grieved and bled endlessly
With the strangest and strongest of affection,
Just for you to kiss them.
Beloved 'Ali,
A glimpse into your silence
Makes hearts restless
With the premonition of Love's solitude.
Where else shall they find rest
Except in your shade?
O Exalted Beauty of Allaah,
You are the Endless Horizon
Where Mount Sinai meets
The Sky.
O Shrine of all Knowledge,
Your Understanding is where
Every Lover
Unveils the Beloved.
At your station,
Where none exists but Glory,
We whirl and whirl
Like mad suns around
The Beloved of Muhammad.
We kiss each other's face,
For we have gone beyond
The Last Boundary
Into the Bridal Chamber.
Beloved 'Ali,
Though you lived in the midst of
Thousands of men,
You were the Only One
Causing hearts to pulse
And the world to tremble
Beyond need and reason.
O you who draw Lovers unto your heart's desire,
And make them Eternal Knowers,
Where else can I find
Beauty and Virtue dwell together
Like a pair of wings
In the Firmament of Spirit,
Except at the Tip of your Sword,
Except at that Point of No Return,
Except by yearning to become the dust at your feet,
Except by loving you?
Are you not the Secret that unites
Sea and Sea,
Wave and Wave,
Whisper and Whisper,
Longing and Longing?
Beloved 'Ali,
You are the Law of Nature
That causes winds to proceed
And souls to blossom.
You are the Fragrance and Message
Of the seasons.
You are the Destiny of every yearning,
The Cause and Cure of every heart's sickness.
At the dawn of Love,
You are Nearness.
May my eyes never freeze from looking at you, Beloved,
For the sake of the Truth that is with you,
The Truth that melts hearts by its burning
And awakens souls by its solitary sweetness.
Beloved 'Ali,
May I never know a halt in Loving you,
I'd rather die following your footsteps
That shine like torches in the dark,
I'd rather die listening to your words and silent whispers
That glitter like restless, undying candles in the wind,
I'd rather shake silently and
Be ruined with the shedding of tears
Than bear separation from you, O Sweetheart.
Beloved 'Ali!
May I never have to bear separation from
The Wordless in you.
May your Content
Be my Lot.
In my lonely home,
In a world filled with loud voices,
May I never be a stranger unto my Beloved.
The Beloved of Muhammad says,
"Look at the Greatness
That I have created for My own sake.
Look at 'Ali,
May you never return to yourself!"
Those drunk with your Ancient Wine
At the Tavern of the Beloved,
Can never stop singing
Until they themselves disappear from sight
Upon your wings.
Beloved of Allaah,
The arrow of Love and its sentiments
Passes through hardships
Enflamed in its solitude,
That it may know the substance
Of your sweetness.
Beloved 'Ali,
Even if the veil of darkness is so thick
That flowers and mountains
Are hidden from my eyes,
It shall never hide you
From my heart.
You are mine, Beloved,
Because I see you
With the tender eyes of Fathimah.
What can hide your Countenance,
When it is the Face of the Light of the worlds itself?
How can we fail to recognize you and those proceeding from you,
O Imaam,
When the silver rays of the Beloved Prophet,
Our Sweet-Faced Full Moon,
Light up your Sign?
Those who have been caught
In your quiet
Are forever awake.
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