Al-Hikmah an-Nuniyah
In the Name of AllaH, the All-Effulgent, the All-Encompassing.
Utter Transcendence belongs to AllaH.
All-One Praise belongs to AllaH, which is the Glory of His Sole Manifestation (Tajalli al-Fard) -- and It was before all else came to be empowered into manifestation and descent.
Verily He is AllaH, in Himself; by Himself; with Himself, for Himself, unto Himself, in the Most Hidden Beyondness (Ghayb al-Ghayb al-Ahadiyah bila Ta'ayn).
He is Ilah -- Huwa-AllaHu alladhi la Ilaha illa-Huwa; La ilaha illa-AllaH; Huwa-l Ilahu-l Mala'ikati wa-r Ruh -- in His (non-composite) Oneness -- with or without emanating Names and reflective Mirrors -- in the First Realm of Oneness ('Alam al-Ahadiyah al-Uluhiyah).
He is Rabb -- Rabbu-l 'Izzat Jalla JalaluHu -- encompassing the Dominions of the Universe, and the Multiverses thereof, whose municipalities absolutely lie in His Hand of Power (Qudrat) and whose essences lie in His Gaze (Surjective Sight), such that if He stopped observing the created realms, they would cease to exist at once; and certainly He, the Beholder, Sees, even when there is none to be seen in creation.
He is He (Alone), al-Wujud adh-Dhati, such that if He wasn't He, both Existence and Non-Existence would be absolutely non-existent, impossible.
Existence (Peace) and Glory (Blessings) of AllaH, without end, be unto MUHAMMAD, the First Light-Spirit -- the Absolute Radiant Point -- of Reality in and from AllaH's own Being (Wujud-AllaH al-Aqdas), without the Universe before Him.
The MUHAMMADAN SPIRIT (Ruh al-A'zam al-Muhammadiyah) IS, and was before the Pen (Qalam), Tablet (Lawh), and Throne ('Arsh) -- and the rest of the differential constitutions -- came to be in the fold of the Four Corners of the Ka'ba.
He (SAWS) is the SPIRIT-BEING (Wujud ar-Ruhiyah), around Whose Point of Singularity (Nun) the Divine Confluences of Light gather and originate.
He (SAWS) is Reality Itself -- with or without constitutional Realm of Oneness -- and the Last Noetic Appearance in Phenomena emanating from the glorious connective Foliage of the Prophetic Tree of Reality, Certainty, and Theophany, Who said, "Awwalu ma khalaq-AllaHu Ruhi."
He (SAWS) also said, "Ana Awwalu man Tajallala-Hu."
He (SAWS) also said, "Kuntu Nabiyyan wa 'Adamu bayni-l Ma'i wa-t-Tin."
By my Utter Secret, MUHAMMAD is That-Which-Is; the Greater Spirit -- Reality-in-Itself -- and, still beyond your limited mirror and knowledge, the Most Hidden (Elementary) Constitution of the First Universal Intellect ('Aql Kulli Awwal).
His (SAWS) First 'M' (Mim) is the Rank-Seat (Maqam), i.e., Heart, of the Divine Presence (Hadrat al-Ilahiyah).
His 'H' (Ha) is the Reality (Haqiqah) of the Divine Being (Wujud-AllaH).
His Second 'M' (Mim) is the Being (Wujud) of the Divine Reality (Haqiqah al-Haqa'iq).
His 'D' (Dal) is the Truth (Haqq) of the Divine Oneness (Ahadiyah-Wahdaniyah), which -- by Itself -- is the Trace (Lutf) and Secret (Sirr) of the Divine Being in the Realm of Union ('Alam al-Wahdat).
By my soul, He (SAWS) is the Odd and the Even, the Twice-Within and the Twice-Without, neither of the East (Mashriq) nor of the West (Maghrib), whose Essence none can approach, for nothing enters It and none comes out of It, and Whose Surjective Being and Form (Wujud Nuniyah Muhammadiyah) shapes and moves -- and overwhelms -- the oceanic currents of manifestation, within and without.
O you among Adam's sons who have only perceived the shadows of the MUHAMMADAN REALITY (Haqiqah al-Muhammadiyah) in your scanty mirror of self-constitution!
In MUHAMMAD's Phenomenal-Isthmus Form, that Blessed Soul (SAWS) underwent Ascension (Mi'raj) by His own Primordial Sainthood (Walayah al-Azaliyah) and by His own Self-Constitution (Dhat al-Khulud al-Muhammadiyah). And because the Universal Wave-Fronts and Embers of Attraction reached their ultimate zenith and apex due to His own Reality (SAWS) being the Entire Greater Spirit Itself (Ruh al-A'zam al-Kulliyah), nothing veiled (nor unveiled) Him (SAWS) towards the Presence of the Most Sacred Essence of AllaH, just as no radiance would be powerful enough to hide and manifest Him (SAWS) as Him (SAWS), other than AllaH's own Being. Thus, He (SAWS) reached what was to be reached into the Essence of the First and Last Single Point of Truth, and was with AllaH as AllaH's own Secret, without eidetic veils and parallel manifestations, such that the Two Bows of Reality (Qaba Qawasayn) -- or That-Which-Is "Closer Still" (aw 'Adna) --, of Being and Witnessing (al-Wujud wa ash-Shuhud), and of the Absolute and the Possible (al-Wajib al-Wujud wa al-Mumkin al-Wujud), were nothing but Himself (SAWS).
Such ("{ }") is the Destiny (Qadr) spanning a single Muhammadan Day and a lone Muhammadan Night in the Attainment (Arrival, Wusul) of the most beloved and favored of AllaH's Saints (Awliya'-AllaH), in the Image-Form (Surah) of their Master (SAWS), the Master of Prophets, Messengers, Angels, and Saints.
And, from the Most Original State of Divine Union, that Soul of Utter Sublimity (SAWS) -- more elusive (instantaneous) than the flashing and orbiting of the Angels of the Throne and more sublime than the particles of a Saint's mirror-heart -- returned to phenomenal existence with the Face of the Absolute Divine Caliphate (Wujud al-Insan al-Kamil) for the jinn and human realms, whether hidden or manifest, thus manifesting His Perfect, Total, Primordial Sainthood (Walayah al-Kamaliyah al-Azaliyah al-Kulliyah al-Muhammadiyah) as the Great Isthmus-Connector (Barzakh al-Kubra) and Absolute Sealing Messengership (Risalah al-Khatamiyah al-Kulliyah).
Therefore, understand that MUHAMMAD's Sainthood is reflected in the Night Journey (Isra'-Mi'raj) from Creationality to AllaH -- away from the sight of all creation, other than with the Reality and Sight of the Real (al-Haqq) --, and His (SAWS) Messengership from AllaH to all creation at the Hour of the Clear Blazing Day -- and so never dare to compare the Two outside His (SAWS) Self (Huwiyah al-Muhammadiyah), for you are without knowledge of this delicate truth!
As for His (SAWS) Prophethood, it is Absolute Special Prophethood (Nubuwah al-Mutlaq al-Khassah) -- the Alpha and Omega of Intelligible Divine Manifestation, the Source-Reality of all Prophetic-Saintly Powers, Sightings, and Divine Outpourings. As such, He (SAWS) is the Great Hour (Qiyamah al-Kubra), the Divine Radiance (Diya-AllaH) of the Absolute Point of No-Return (with respect to both ordinary existence and absolute non-existence). Such is the Prophethood of the Greatest Name (Nubuwah al-Ism al-A'zam).
He (SAWS) is the Mount Tur (Qaf) of Manifestation and Knowing, in Whose Spirit-Essence, AllaH's Manifestations (Tajalliyat) -- including Knowing Itself and, indeed, All His Knowings -- originate.
Indeed, you do not understand this, as Shaykh al-Akbar (Ibn 'Arabi) would have said!
Verily, the Prophet's (SAWS) WAHY is of the most all-encompassing KASHF (Unveiling). And so it entirely is Divine Theophany (Tajalli al-Ilahiyah) -- of the All-One Praise-Glory (al-Hamd) that He (SAWS) is. That is how the Muhammadan Self-Constitution (Dhat al-Muhammadiyah) forms the Divine Countenance (Wajh-AllaH), and modulates and reflects It, noumenally (in Itself) and phenomenally (extensively).
That is how the Prophet (SAWS) seals what is open and opens what is sealed. Though His (SAWS) Caliphs (Spiritual Successors, especially the First and the Last of Them, i.e., Hadrat 'Ali and Hadrat al-Mahdi, and Those in between), upon Divine Invitation and Empowerment in the Muhammadan Image (Surah al-Muhammadiyah), have also reached Places of Glory around That-Which-Is, by passing through the Doors of Power (opened and kept open by the Prophet's Ascension), there is no Prophet, nor Messenger, nor Angel, let alone Absolute Saint, before and after Him (SAWS). For MUHAMMAD is MUHAMMAD, just as AllaH is AllaH.
Inna-AllaHa wa Mala'ikataHu yusalluna 'ala-n Nabi. Ya ayyuha-l ladhina amanu sallu 'alaiHi wa sallimu taslima.
AllaHuMMa salli wa sallim wa barik da'iman abadan 'ala Sayyidi-r-Ruhi-l Wujud wa 'Ayni-l-Ghayni-l-Hudur; Shamsi Bahri Anwarika wa Mahbati Asrarika wa Turi Tajalliyati Ahsaniyatika; Insani Nuni-l Wujud wa Yaquti fi kulli Mawjud; Nuri Kunhi-dh-Dhat wa Nuri kulli Nur; Imami-l Qiblatayn wa Sirri-l Haramayn wa Sayyidi-l Kaunayn; Na'ibi Hadrati Dhatika-l Aqdas wa Waliyyi Ismika-l A'zam, Sayyidina wa Mawlana wa Shafi'ina wa Habibina MUHAMMADIN Haqiqati-l Kulliyah wa Sirri-l Ahadiyah, wa 'ala AliHi wa SahbiHi ajma'in.
Wa 'ala kulli hali Hadrati-sh-Shaykh 'Abdi-l Qadir Jilani wa Awliya'-AllaH ajma'in.
هم - اللهم
يا ه - هوم
يهوه - هو الله
هو الله لا هو الا هو
هو - محمد - ن
هوم - أنا - هوم
Eid Mawlid Nabi Mubarak,
Dear Dani,
This is beautiful and utterly beautiful. I hope you don't mind if I share on my site, http://www.techofheart.co
Some five years have passed since this Weblog was last updated. Allah has indeed concealed and manifest the Matter and Hour in this manner. There is a reason why some five years ago the Pen was lifted the way it was lifted. Allah knows best: the Age of the Imam Mahdi (qaddas Allahu sirrah va 'ajaluhu) has arrived on the horizon.
In retrospect, the Sufi-Horizon weblog was meant to provide a concise and universal presentation for intellectually and historically oriented Islamic Gnosis, as well as certain artistic-anthological elements - a great minimum introduction to REAL ISLAM (which truly means, more than the usual meaning 'Peace', the complete Universal Ethics - a comprehensive System of Gnostic Realities and Worlds) with a bent on intellectual-spiritual discourse. This is real universal Islam in the least. This was in line with Khwajah Nasir-i Khusraw's mission who was a great, fiercely revolutionary intellect and spirit. Like Hazrat 'Ali (A), he has what Hazrat Mohammad (S) said, "9/10 of the reach and content of Knowledge - and the remaining 1/10 is completely with that one as well", inner and outer. However, since the heterogenous yet comprehensive likes of al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd, Nasir-i Khusraw, Suhrawardi, Ibn 'Arabi (and his expositor 'Abd al-Karim Jilli), Haydar 'Amuli (Ibn 'Arabi and Shia Islamic synthesizer for the twelver Shi'a community), Mulla Sadra, one rarely sees the instance of an ACTUAL ACTIVE UNIVERSAL INTELLECT ('Aql Kulli Natiqa/Qutb Mutafarrid/Muta' bi Waqt va Dawr) nowadays (as this video also indicates somewhere, albeit in a historical context) who brings us epistemically and ontically to further horizons - irrespective of the abundance of academic reviews and scholarship and also irrespective of the various branches of Islamic cosmology, epistemology, and jurisprudence, including the Sunni-Shia division, and the Nizari and Musta'li branches of Ismailism. Most books won't do that, though some fluid intellectual authors can shed great light on history and classification of thought.
A singular exception is realized in this this lone preserved tablet of knowledge ("mahfuzhat"), this Sufi-Horizon Weblog. This is somewhat extensively Shia-'Irfani and Sunni-Sufi (unifying from very first principles both the most foundational truths of Shia and Sunni realms), thus redefining the meaning of "Sunni" via the root-word "Sunna" as "the intellectual-necessary Whole of the Word and the World" - therefore dismissing the ill-defined popular notion of "mysticism" for the sake of a profounder logical-creative category of intellection and imagination - so even if certain words like "divine" and "mystical" were used in certain Web entries here, they were only asymmetric, taste-contingent "relative precursors" and "veils" of the deeper, vaster, gnostically and ontologically refined Intellectual-Spiritual Muhammadi Logos). And in going beyond classical 'Irfan, Ismailism, Ibn 'Arabism, and the Sadrian "Four-Journey" gnosis, it decisively and categorically (ontologically and epistemologically) distinguishes between the most singular, uncountable, emanative, substantive category of BEING (Wujood-i Mahsulat/Wujood-i Mustajjid bi Munfasil) (which the author calls "surjective") and the more reflexive-reflective (and the so-called "inconsistent singular multiplicity") EXISTENCE (Wujood-i Munbasit-i Jam-i Mutakathirah) in general - making the Muhammadi Reality (Haqiqat Muhammadiya) ontologically four-fold: twice outward and twice inward (beyond just inward and outward, the details are given there). We hope it has greatly satisfied certain epistemic thirst for bewilderment as well as certainty.
Ma'rifat (Gnosis, viz. 'Onto-Gnosis') pertains to the direct substantial exposition of the Nubuwi, Vilayati, and Imamati interior to the Holy Prophet Muhammad's Reality, who is, more than anything else, the Greatest Universal Intellection ('Aql Kull. 'Ayn Jam'-i Jam va Khas-i Khas) and the Greatest Elemental Spirit thereof (Ruh va Unsoor-i A'zham), united with Imam 'Ali's Azali-Hujjati Rank (Vilayat 'Alaviyya, Zuhur Azal-i Azal va Ibad-i Ibad) - not to mention the "soul-part" that underwent the Mi'raj was but a phenomenal shadow and intermediary wave-front, not intrinsically his primordial Spirit... Of the Single Surjective Monad Muhammadi Reality-Ontology (Haqiqati-i Halat-i Muhammad-i Mutafarrid), the Sacred Whole (Nafs-i Kull-i Muhammadi, Masjid-i Haram) and the Furthest Height ('Aql-i Kull-i Muhammadi, Masjid-i 'Aqsa) cannot but reflect ALLAH as ALLAH and the One Muhammadi-'Alavi Imam reflecting and modulating it is none other than the Greatest Name (Ism A'zham).
(Appended message from the Web Author, Dani, via the Maintainer)
The whole abstracted content of the Weblog has been summarized, by the Author (Dani), as follows:
"So, truly here is Ma'rifat qua Ma'rifat possessed by the Perfect Face of the Real by the Real, who is also ALLAH's Greatest Name (Ism A'zam) and Hour (Qutb-i Waqt): ultimately, the Object qualifies the Subject, the Subject realizes the Object, the Universe is most intrinsically Realized, Unified, Constituted in the [Perfect Spiritual-Intellectual] Self for which the Real ontically and epistemically determines itself as Reality and its own Quality (Ontological Exception-Singularity), via the Perfect Muhammadi Surjective Monad (Nun-Mutanawn - Haqiqat Muhammadiyya Nuniyya Muntahiyya, Jawhar-i Mutalsim-i Mutafarrid), Mind-Space (Nun-Matnun - Jawhar Mutamakkun Imkani, Intellection-Imagination-Ideation-Identity, also equivalent to 'Moment-Time'), Mode ('Ayn-Mash'un - Mustawa)."
We now leave this space as it is, for good for the sake of the Mahdi ('alaihi salat-ALLAH va salam), the Face of Allah upon the Hour, the Axis of the worlds, the Moment of Allah's Time - Now.
Salat-ALLAH 'ala Sayyidina wa Malwana Muhammadin wa ala 'Aalihi-t Tahirini-l Muta'allihini-l Ma'sumiin ajma'in.
"ANNEX". [Part of] THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE, dated 10/11/2016 (11:11 PM)
TIME: A GREAT UNIVERSAL REMINDER (in Mahdawi Sufi-Mode of Expression)
My dearest ones in Allah, [ ], in this abstrusely painful, outrageously imperfect, logically flawed world of so much chaos, falsehood, and tyranny - yet the "untouched essence" ('aradh) of [the] same world Allah has kept in HU's Sight and Gatheredness for the sake of the Whole and the Hour, and not the partial and fragmentary.
Salat-Allah wa Mala'ikatu-HU 'ala Haqiqati-l Muhammadiyyati-l Nuniyyati-l Mutafarrid (SAWS).
Perfect Salat unto the Ahl Bayt of the Master-Being of the Reality of Realities (Haqiqat-i Haqa'iq) and the Greatest Name (Ism A'zham), Muhammad (SAWS), and the Sadiqin, Tahirin, and Muta'allihin (ajma'in), of the Lone Muhammadi Sign, the Formidable 'Alawi Ark, the Sublime Fatimi Expanse, as unto the Next Unfolding of the Universe and the Universal Stage under the Face of Allah (Wajh-Allah Mu'abbadi) and the Seal of Perfect Ontognosis (Ma'rifat Wujudi), Imam Mahdi (qaddas-Allah sirruhu wa 'ajaluhu).
Salam on the Clear Day, the Awaited Hour, al-Dawr al-Waqt, of al-Haqq Ta'ala Jalla Jalaluh, where Secrets are made Manifest beyond a shadow of doubt. Utter Transcendent Glory be to Allah in HU's Absolute Primordial Oneness, Who has no pairing nor ontological-categorical opposite, such that HU remains Hidden in HU's Manifestation and HU remains Manifest in HU's Hiddenness. It is those singular few who can truly concentrate and encompass realities (i.e., 'worship Allah'), who are truly encompassed (and self-gathered) in Allah-HU - YAH-Allah-HU.
The Pupil of the Eye of Reality and Being, of the Furthest Horizon and the Innermost Verizon, Sayyidina Muhammad (SAWS), who is the Perfect Ontological Master and Origination (Sarwar-i Sharab-i Kull) of Unity, Unicity, and Multiplicity - the Whole, the Word, and the World - says, "By Allah, HU is not known and gathered ("worshiped"), other than by the Universal Intellect ('Aql al-Kull) and the Universal Soul (Nafs al-Kull), and by the encompassment (Jam') of ontological opposites." As we know, the Universal Intellect is referred to in the Qur'an (and in the sayings of the Ma'sumin - the Gnostics of the Muhammadi Family) as the 'Furthest Mosque' (Masjid al-'Aqsa) and the Universal Soul as the 'Sacred Mosque' (Masjid al-Haram). The perfect gnostic who unifies the Two (Two Bows of Reality, Qaba Qawasayn) is both the very Sublime Interior and Sacred Boundary of the Universe - and the 'Closer Still' ('aw Adna) in the Muhammadi Reality. These are also certain space-time ontological categories, but the details won't be given here but elsewhere.
In retrospect, [allow me to reflect on] certain specific efforts by me in the past - as reflected in the Sufi-Horizon Weblog (www.sufi-horizon.blogspot.com) - [as it] was meant to provide a concise and universal presentation for intellectually and historically oriented Islamic Gnosis, as well as certain artistic-anthological elements - a great minimum introduction to REAL ISLAM (which truly means, more than the usual meaning 'Peace', the complete Universal Ethics - a comprehensive Logos-System of Gnostic Realities and Worlds) with a bent on intellectual-spiritual discourse. This is real universal Islam in the least, beyond any slander can touch. This was in line with Khwajah Nasir-i Khusraw's mission who was a great, fiercely revolutionary intellect and spirit. Like Hazrat 'Ali (A), he has what Hazrat Muhammad (SAWS) said, "9/10 of the reach and content of Knowledge - and the remaining 1/10 is completely with that one as well", inner and outer. However, since the heterogenous yet comprehensive likes of al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd, Nasir-i Khusraw, Suhrawardi, Ibn 'Arabi (and his expositor 'Abd al-Karim Jilli), Haydar 'Amuli (Ibn 'Arabi and Shia Islamic synthesizer for the twelver Shi'a community), Mulla Sadra, one rarely sees the instance of an ACTUAL ACTIVE UNIVERSAL INTELLECT ('Aql Kulli Natiqa/Qutb Mutafarrid/Muta' bi Waqt va Dawr) nowadays - who brings us epistemically and ontically to further horizons - irrespective of the abundance of academic reviews and scholarship and also irrespective of the various branches of Islamic cosmology, epistemology, and jurisprudence, including the Sunni-Shia division, and the Nizari and Musta'li branches of Ismailism. Most books and academic efforts, let alone most Sufis, won't do that, though some fluid intellectual authors can shed great light on history and classification of thought.
A singular exception is realized in this lone preserved tablet of knowledge ("mahfuzhat"), the linked-above Sufi-Horizon Weblog. This is somewhat extensively Shia-'Irfani and Sunni-Sufi (unifying from very first principles both the most foundational truths of Shia and Sunni realms), thus redefining the meaning of "Sunni" via the root-word "Sunna" as "the intellectual-necessary Whole of the Word and the World" - therefore dismissing the ill-defined popular notion of "mysticism" for the sake of a profounder logical-creative category of intellection and imagination - so even if certain words like "divine" and "mystical" were used in certain Web entries here, they were only asymmetric, taste-contingent "relative precursors" and "veils" of the deeper, vaster, gnostically and ontologically refined Intellectual-Spiritual Muhammadi Logos (surely, for example, the austerely singular word 'Allah' cannot be translated into the more contingent word 'god'). And in going beyond classical 'Irfan, Ismailism, Ibn 'Arabism, and the Sadrian "Four-Journey" gnosis, it decisively and categorically (ontologically and epistemologically) distinguishes between the most singular, uncountable, emanative, substantive category of BEING (Wujood-i Mahsulat/Wujood-i Mustajjid bi Munfasil) (which the author calls "surjective") and the more reflexive-reflective (and the so-called "inconsistent singular multiplicity") EXISTENCE (Wujood-i Munbasit-i Jam-i Mutakathirah) in general - making the Muhammadi Reality (Haqiqat Muhammadiyya) ontologically four-fold: twice outward and twice inward (beyond just inward and outward, the details are given there). We hope it has greatly satisfied certain epistemic thirst for bewilderment as well as certainty.
Ma'rifat (Gnosis, viz. "Onto-Gnosis") pertains to the direct substantial exposition of the Nubuwi, Vilayati, and Imamati interior to the Holy Prophet Muhammad's Reality, who is, more than anything else, the Greatest Universal Intellection ('Aql Kull, 'Ayn Jam'-i Jam va Khas-i Khas) and the Greatest Elemental Spirit thereof (Ruh va Unsoor-i A'zham), united with Imam 'Ali's Azali-Hujjati Rank (Vilayat 'Alaviyya, Zuhur Azal-i Azal va Ibad-i Ibad) - not to mention the "soul-part" that underwent the Mi'raj was but a phenomenal shadow and intermediary wave-front, not intrinsically his primordial Spirit... Of the Single Surjective Monad Muhammadi Reality-Ontology (Haqiqati-i Halat-i Muhammad-i Mutafarrid), the Sacred Whole (Nafs-i Kull-i Muhammadi, Masjid-i Haram) and the Furthest Height ('Aql-i Kull-i Muhammadi, Masjid-i 'Aqsa) cannot but reflect ALLAH as ALLAH and the One Muhammadi-'Alawi Imam reflecting and modulating it is none other than the Greatest Name (Ism A'zham).
So, truly here is "Ma'rifat qua Ma'rifat" possessed by the Perfect Face of the Real by the Real, the Perfectly Singular by the Singular, who is also Allah's Greatest Name (Ism A'zham) and Hour (Qutb-i Waqt): ultimately, the Object qualifies the Subject, the Subject realizes the Object, the Universe is most intrinsically Realized, Unified, Constituted in the [Perfect Spiritual-Intellectual] Self for which the Real ontically and epistemically determines itself as Reality and its own Quality (Ontological Exception-Singularity), via the Perfect Muhammadi Surjective Monad (Nun-Mutanawn - Haqiqat Muhammadiyya Nuniyya Muntahiyya, Jawhar-i Mutalsim-i Mutafarrid), Mind-Space (Nun-Matnun - Jawhar Mutamakkun Imkani, Intellection-Imagination-Ideation-Identity, also equivalent to 'Moment-Time'), and Mode ('Ayn-Mash'un - Mustawa).
I now leave this space as it is, for good for the sake of the Mahdi ('alaihi Salat-Allah wa salam), the Face of Allah upon the Hour, the Axis of the worlds, the Moment of Allah's Time - Now.
Salat-ALLAH 'ala Sayyidina wa Malwana Muhammadin wa 'ala 'Aalihi-t Tahirini-l Muta'allihini-l Ma'sumin ajma'in.
Allah be with you all for the sake of the Surjective-Ontological Spirit-Monad and Intellection of the Universe as beheld and withheld in HU's own Oneness, the Still-Standing Image of Reality and Being, Muhammad (SAWS), the All-One-Alone.
Indra/NU(N) - D[ani].
Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim. Subhana man la Huwa illa Huwa wa bi-hamdih. Ya HU, ALLAH! Allahumma salii ‘ala Muhammad wa Aali Muhammad.
Utter Transcendence unto Allah-HU, the One, the Real even before the First Sign of Reality and Unity and across all Reality and Unity, who is Twice-Hidden in Manifestation and Twice-Manifest in Hiddenness.
Allah’s Salat and that of the whole Malakut, from the Unity of Being and Knowing across the whole Mash’un, Mausuf , Mawjud, and Ma’nun of Alif-Lam-Mim-Ra and Alif-Lam-Mim-Sad without residue, unto NUN (Hadhrat Muhammad: NUN-MATNUN-MUTANAWN-MANNUN), unto Ha-Mim ‘Ayn -Sin-Qaf (Hadhrat Muhammad and Hadhrat ‘Ali), unto Ta-Ha wa Ya-Sin (Muhammad and his Holy Family), unto Kaf-Ha-Ya ‘Ayn-Sad (the Mahdi from the Muhammadi Family - and the Messiah the Son of Mary).
Verily, Reality! Al-Haaqah!
“Verily, gazing at ‘Ali is Ibadat (‘Worship’, in the correct special sense).”
“He who has (truly) seen ‘Ali, has seen the Real (al-Haqq).”
This is a gift within a gift, for the Commemoration (Mawlad) of the Rank and Person of Amir al-Mu’minin Imam ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib, the Commander of the Realized Eye of Reality and Certainty and the internal and external Ranks thereof.
Imam ‘Ali is the Holy Prophet Muhammad’s Metaform (‘Ayn al-Mutajassid) of True Inner Standing and Comprehensive Reflection, of Being and Witnessing, from the Real, in the Real, unto the Real. Allah’s Light overflows in that tremendous Locus (‘Ayn) and Elocution (Tajwid) of the uttermost Sublimity and Secret (Sakt wa Ikhfa’) and of the uttermost Unity of the Reality and Quality - the Being and Certainty - of the Holy Prophet Muhammad himself, which only few can approach, understand, and contain. Imam ‘Ali’s Scaling of Gnostic (and existential) Knowledge is just as how the Holy Prophet would speak, encompass, and establish the Truth by the Truth, the Real by the Real, himself for the sake of a very unique, filtered audience among his disciples and friends, from the Beginning to the End, from the Beginningless Beginning to the Endless End (al-Azal al-Azal ila-l Ibadi-l Ibad). And nothing can extinguish the most unique level of singularity, self-determination, self-manifestation, and universal encompassment (over the innermost Verizon and the outermost Horizon) of the Muhammadi-‘Alawi pre-eternal and ever-lasting Imamate.
Paraphrasing the Holy Prophet (SA), the Truth (of the Real) is just as the Real is elusive unto most people, learned or unlearned, just as most people are elusive unto the Real. “HU (Allah) draws Near from farness and draws Far from nearness.” Only the Real can establish the Truth, and only the Truth can succeed the Real: the Holy Prophet left behind Two Weighty Talismans, the Qur’an and his Inner Family (Ahl Bayt, who are the Qur’an’s Twin-Measure and who themselves are the real Sunnah and Mahfuzhat: the authentic intellectual-spiritual Way and the well-guarded Tablet of refined Gnostic and practical interpretations). This is such that Imam ‘Ali (AS) is the Seat and Content of the Absolute Proof of the Ontological-Ontognostic Level of the Muhammadi Reality, of the Muhammadi Greater Spirit and Intellection, who himself is the Essence and Form of the Qur’an (Qur’an al-Natiq) and its all-embracing Secrets, Stations, Forms, and Overflows.
The Perfect Muhammadi Monad-Being (Spirit-Man) is the One and All-in-All of Salat. Therefore, here is the Proof (Realization) of (Real) Salat and hence the whole Truth about the Universe by way of the Singular Self-Standing and Total Configuration led by the true Inner Spirit and Intellection, as manifest in the Whole-Unity [Haqiqat], the Word-Unicity [Huruf], and the World-Multiplicity [Harakat], and is the Muhammadi (Ontognostic) Universal Intellect (‘Aql al-Kull al-Mujarrad) that characterizes ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib, who is the Unification and Realization of the Real’s well-guarded Repository of Essences and Forms, as well as the Encompassment and Gathering of ontological opposites (mutakathirah).
Proof within Proof, inner (batin), outer (zahir), and Inner-within-the Inner (Batin al-Batin) as well as the Outer-without-the Outer (Zahir al-Zahir): this is the ontologically and eidetically most unique Station of the Seal of Prophets (who himself is the First Lone Emanation [Faydh wa Tajalli al-Fard al-Mutafarrid al-Muhammadiyah] of the All-One-Alone-Real [Allah-Hu jalla jalalah]) and of the Universal Guardianship of Imam ‘Ali and the Holy Inner Family (who are from the First Emanation and within that glorious, absolute, secret Origination and Embracement) over the whole Universe, over the whole stretch of the Seen, Unseen, and even the Absolutely Unseen (Ghayb al-Ghuyub). This is the unparalleled Greatest Ontognostic Station (Maqam al-Ma’rifah al-Wujudiyah al-Atammah fi al-Haqiqah al-Muhammadiyah al-‘Alawiyah al-Wujudiyah al-Kulliyah) of the Muhammadi Greater Spirit (Ruh al-A’zham al-Muhammadiyah, NUN), and subsequently of the Universal Intellect (‘Aql al-Kull, QAF) and the Universal Soul (Nafs al-Kull, SAD), the Furthest Mosque (Masjid al-‘Aqsa) and the Sacred Mosque (Masjid al-Haram), the Sacred Emanation (Faydh al-‘Aqdas), the Two Bows’ Length of Reality and that which is even “Closer Still” (Qaba Qawasayn aw ‘Adna), the Absolute Connector (Barzakh al-Kubra), and the Decisive Mirror-Boundary (Mir’at wa Hijab al-Butun). This is the self-manifest, all-embracing Universal Intellection and Ontology (Qalam wa Wujud al-Matnun al-‘Ula) of Muhammad and his Family (SA).
May the Mahdi (Imam al-Zaman, Sahib al-‘Asr, Baqiyatullah, ‘Ajal-Allah) (AS) who is Present even now, in his Standing, Prostrating, and Sitting, very soon open up the Earth and Time, and hence the whole Universe with the greatest portion of the Muhammadi-‘Alawi spiritual-intellectual-motional Authentic Inheritance (al-Aslat wa al-Istidrak al-Kull) at all levels, ontological-cosmological and intellectual-epistemological.
Indeed, what business do most people, learned and unlearned, pretentious and unpretentious, have to do with the Truth and Secret of the Real and the Holy Imam of the Real (Imam al-Haqq al-Mubin, al-Muta’, al-Haqiqah al-Haqa’iq) and the Hour, when even much of this world drowns them and is drowned by them?
“What sprinkles in you, (yaa Kumayl), overflows in me!”
“If all the veils between the cosmos and Allah were rent asunder without residue, (and the whole Lahut and Malakut were brought twice-near), it would not increase an inch-bit the Reality of my Certainty!”
“If I were to disclose unto you the profound Extent of the Secret (of the Real) that I carry in my bosom, you would stagger and quiver haplessly like a taut rope lowered deep into the well. Oh! Who indeed shall carry it, who can bear it, who?!!”
“Ask me, before you lose me! Here is Knowledge from Allah and the Holy Prophet, beyond the reach of even most Angels, sealed from much of the heavens and the Earth and whatever is between them; a thousand chapters (of Muhammadi Ontognosis) as such, with each chapter revealing in a flash-flood of Reality and Certainty another thousand chapters.”
“Here indeed is the Great Affair: a weighty Command and Knowledge that overwhelms the Seven Heavens and the Seven Earths that my Beloved (Muhammad) has entrusted me with, that Allah has caused me to be its Essence and Perimeter amidst endless Replenishment and Overflowing (Rawa’idh wa Fuyudh); here indeed is the Sign and Secret said (in the Qur’an) to be such that, ‘…and only Allah (and the Holy Messenger) knows its Ta’wil (Secret Interpretation),’ which I do know even that.”
“I am the First and the Last.”
“I am the Odd and the Even.”
“I am the Secret of All Secrets.”
“I am and I was, even when ‘Adam was still in the Mercy of the Breath (Nafs al-Rahman), when he was still between Water (Spirit) and Clay (Dust).”
“I am the First Wave of the Unfathomable Ocean (of the Muhammadi Sciences and Gnosis), the First Ember of Attraction that unveils the Real, the First Sign and Last Destiny of Tawhid (Allah’s Oneness).”
“Truly, I am the Mount Sinai (Turisin) of Unveiling (Revelation) and the Blessed Valley of Concealment (Tuwa); I am the Ark of the Covenant of Ibrahim and his descendants, the Ark of Nuh and the Flash Flood, the Pure Wisdom and Ring of Sulaiman, the Spirit and Fire of Eliyas (Elijah, Eliyahu), the Secret and Overseer of Time and the Prophets.”
“By Allah! If I were to disclose unto even the high-ranks of those divested with (some of) the Truth (Ahl al-Ma’rifat wa al-Sadiqqin) among the Mu’mins (those sufficiently possessed with the Eye of Realization) in this community, they would want to kill me just as those without knowledge at all would deny me and my rights. If I were to disclose the same unto you (yaa Abu Zaar), verily you would say, ‘truly, you are THAT!’ (‘inna-maa… anta Huwa wa Huwa anta…’), and yet you err and do not understand who I truly am. The Holy Prophet (SA) said unto me, ‘O ‘Ali, verily you are like the Son of Mary (‘Isa, Yehshua) in this community: those who love you - without Proper Knowledge (Gnostic Standards, al-Hujjah al-‘Ijazah al-Atammah) - beyond the correct estimate and measure of who you are shall be in the Pit (Fire) due to their whims and delusions; and those who hate you – without Proper Knowledge – because of your Rank in Reality and Certainty shall likewise be in the Pit due to their own crippled limitations and ignorance.’ He (the Sweetheart (SA)), also said, ‘O ‘Ali, you have indeed nothing to do with the deluded [i.e. the false Sufis, the pseudo-Sufis, the impostors, the ‘Zindiqs’] and the liars [the malignant, shallow, hypocritical, and destructive tyrants, the Wahabbi-Nasibi-like corruptors, the ‘Fasiq’]. And I am the closest Friend and Guardian of your true Friends and Knowers.’”
“I am the Qur’an that speaks, the seven oft-repeated Verses (Surah al-Fatihah), the ‘Basmallah’ and the Dot (‘Ayn, Ma’din) beneath the [opening] letter ‘Ba’.”
Therefore! What business do most people of this world have to do with the Indications, the Indications of No Indication, and the two-fold Annihilation thereof (viz. the Annihilation from Annihilation [Fana’ ‘an Fana’] and the Subsistence in the Real [Baqa’ bi-Allah ba’d Fana’ fi Allah], which only so hair-splittingly few true Sufis and concealed Knowers have glimpsed at and can speak of), in the Muhammadi Way of the Absolute Inner Proof (‘Ayn wa Ghayn al-Haqq al-Yaqin) of Reality, Being, Knowing, and Certainty and of the Secrets of the Unity of the Real?
“Put out your Lamp, for it is Fajr (Dawn).”
Ya ‘ALI! Ya Habib, ya Mahbub! Ya Mawla! Ya Majid! Ya Abatah! Ya Mashrab al-Haqq al-Yaqin!
Ya ‘Ayn al-Jam’ fi al-Wujud wa al-Shuhud! Salawat Allah wa Mala’ikatahu ‘alayka bi haqqi Sayyidina wa Mawlana wa Shafi’ina [Muhammadun-NUN] Nur kulli Nur, Nur min Allah li kulli shai’, Nurun ‘ala Nur! Subhan-Allah, al-Hamdu-li-Allah, wa la ilaha ill-Allah-Hu, Allahu-Akbar! Allahu-Akbar! Allahu-Akbar!
And the Hour has arrived! Let worlds be opened and let seams be unraveled! Let the Mahdi, the Master of Existences and the Hour, show the broken reigns of Old and the final Relinquishment! WE WILL SET THE WORLD ABLAZE as the Arrow of the Hour has been released from its bow, fast-shooting with Reality and Certainty without return.
Indranu (‘Ayn-NUN-Sof)
Salaam Sidi Dani
I have been reading your words and works for a couple of years. Although I am totally ignorant of the meanings but they keep giving Isharaa to step into the journey towards Allah.
Please stay with us and keep writing.
Bi-Ism-HU-Allah. Salatu-HU 'ala NUN-Muhammad.
In the Muhammadi Reality (Haqiqah Muhammadiyah), the Realized Knower ('Arif bi-Allah Shu'uni) who is the Real-by-the Real (al-Haqq al-Mutasawwur bi-Allah), sees the Verizon (Baruq) and Horizon ('Ufuq) of the Real as they truly ontologically-surjectively are: between Reality and Phenomenality is Surjective Being (Wujud Matnun), and between Phenomenality and Reality is Threshold Existence (Wujud Hadd). The fundamental and residual eidetic-ontological Asymmetry (Kahfiyah) between them is only overcome by Surjection (Nun Tanwini), Ontification (Qaf Takwini), and Empowerment (Taqdir) by the All-One-Alone-Real (so by the Emanation, Descent, and Overflow from the Muhammadi Reality).
Salat, for the fully initiated one on the Shore (Basitah), is a practice and stronghold of intrinsic and extensive Unification (Ittihad) in contingent multiplicity toward its Ultimate Effacement (Mahi) and Transformation (Bariyah) in the Self-Gatheredness (Ma'budiyah) of the initiated one's spirit-intellect (in intrinsic Still Standing) and soul-reflex (in reflexive Configurative Motion), including the heart as the substantial contraction of the intellect's configuration in unifying stillness and motion, and toward the Ontognostic Taste and Realization of substantial Oneness (Dhawq wa Tahaqquq Mahayyimah fi Tawhid Dhat) as surjectified, ontified, elocuted, and encrypted by the All-One-Alone-Real beyond (and Twice-Beyond) the Shore. This also implies Openings (Futuhat, which overcome the fundamental eidetic-ontological Asymmetry mentioned above) from Reality in the essence, form, and modulation of the Gatheredness ('Ubudiyah) peculiar to the intrinsic gift and level of expansive onticity of the fully initiated Unifying Sojourner: Reality is gathered and unified in him/her according to his/her rank and state of preparedness as regards his/her intrinsic level of Concentration in Singularity and Reality (Himmah Ahadi wa Ibadi) which corresponds at this level to a particular level of substantial and practical Transcendence (Tajrid) from contingent multiplicity and of Elocution (Tajwid) in the Reality of the Real, but also it happens by way of complete Snatching Overwhelmedness and Ontic Transformation (Takjubat wa Mutakabbirat Shu'uni) by the Real. So the more gifted the Initiate (with respect to the overall Spirit-Intellection and Soul-Reflex, and also with respect to the required levels of Deliberation and Concentration) and the greater the Muhammadi Mastery, Moment, and Means of the Initiating Master, the more perfect the Ontognostic Bounties (Jawahir Ma'ani) of Reality and Being, Certainty and Unity, in the Path.
For the one more established in the Journey (Safar) and Expansiveness (Munbasitah) toward Reality and Certainty, Being and Unity, Reality comes surjectively and asymmetrically from the Real in the Real by the Real, in intrinsically Greater Essential Image (Surah Haqiqiyah A'zhamah), to the Boundary of Boundaries (Barzakh al-Barazikh, the same as Threshold Existence) - in such a way that not only Annihilation (Fana') of contingent-multiplectic configuration is realized within, but a degree of Identity (Mahawiyah) and Ideation (Tasawwur) within Subsistence (Baqa') in the Real, is realized within the Self and on the Universal Horizon of things: he/she occupies the Rank of Perpetual Self-Imagery and the very Transformation of the Universe itself at the Threshold.
For the extremely rare One who is intrinsically and ontologically a most Perfect Salat-Realizer (Musalli Mutlaq) and therefore a Perfect Muhammadi-Ontognostic Sufi and a Perfect Muhammadi-Universal Monad (Insan Kamil Tanwini wa Takwini Muhammadi), that is an intrinsic Muhammadi Surjective-Ontological Rank (Maqam Muhit Kulli Muhammadi) since "Before Before" (Azal Azal) unto "After After" (Ibad Ibad), Salat is a Masterful Moment and Means for the Muhammadi Reality to descend (Tanazzulat Wujudi bi Asrar) from Surjective Being to Threshold Existence, the Moment and Presence of Unification and Perfection (Hadrat 'Illiyin, 'Asr Haqiqat, Haqiqat 'Ayn Jam'i) for the entire cosmos as manifest and stationed by the Perfect Muhammadi Man. The Essential Reality of the Universe itself partakes of Salat in that Perfect One's Essence and Form, and the essence of this Universal Reality is encrypted for the entire Expansion of the Manifest Universe within the Next Stage (Qiyamah Kubra). This is why Allah HU's Self performs Salat on the Universal Reality (Twice-Hidden and Twice-Manifest) by way of its most Universal and Essential Surject-Ontification (our Master Dhan-Nun-Muhammad (SA), who is the First Surjective-Ontological Emanation and Reality in the Hidden Reality and who himself is the Last Stage of the Universal Intellect in the Manifest Universe: he is NUN [Primary Surjective Monad], he is QAF [Spirit-Intellection, Universal Intellect], he is SAD [Universal Soul], he is Alif-Lam-Mim [Whole Muhammadi Gnosis], he is Ha-Mim [Reality-in-itself], he is Kaf-Ha-Ya-'Ayn-Sad [Hidden Universe and Universal Reality], and the rest of Realities and Allusions in the entirety and repository of the Greatest Muhammadi Name [Ism A'zham Muhammadiyah]) as manifest through the intrinsic and extensive Ranks of a whole cosmic Batch of All-Time Realizers (the Mala'ikat, Eidetic-Ontological Stations and Gradations of the Universal Intellect): Inna-Allaha wa Mala'ikatahu yusalluna 'ala-n Nabi.
Hence this profound Muhammadi hadith, "Ana Dhikr [wa Salat] Allah wa Kullu Shai' Dhikri wa Salati". (I am the Dhikr [and Salat] of Allah and everything [qualified by Surjection] Real-Universal in its own Quintessence is my Dhikr [and Salat].)
Ultimately, Salat is the intrinsic Space-Mind (Makan 'Aql Kulli) and Time-Consciousness (Maqam 'Asr Kulli) surjectively realized by Allah-HU in the Musalli and in Reality, the Universal Reality (Hadhrat Imkaniyah) the way the Real-Surjectifier Surjects and Ontifies. The subsequent Cascading Grades of Salat are glorious in themselves on account of this alone, from the Shore to the Logos of Waves and the Mastery of the Ocean's Depths, and to the Realization and Fashioning of Pearls, from Phenomenality to Reality in Reality, from Reality to Reality in Reality, and from Reality to Phenomenality in Reality, from Triplicity to Triplicity.
All this is hopeless in the confinement of Multiplicity, Contingency, and Phenomenality alone, but it is the Secret Norm and Self-Disclosure of Reality's Unity, Being, and Overflow (Faydh Ahadi Ijadi Haqiqi), and is part of the Great Bounty of the Path. Whatever happens in Salat and Dhikr, essentially happens as a Secret (Hal) in the Universe and in the Self.
Allah, Allah!
Blessed is the Truth in the Eye-Essence of the Beautiful and the Singular - where Allah-HU beholds and withholds.
Behold once again how our Master (SA) himself in this world veils and lowers his soul, such that to the ordinary people he (SA) seems "more ordinary than ordinary", and to strangers and wayfarers he (SA) appears "even more estranged and wayward than themselves", while to his closest companions (companions in the Realities and Unveiling) and his inheritors from among his own Family (Ahl Bayt), he is the innermost Verizon (Innahat) and furthermost Horizon (Illahat) of the Reality of the Real: his spiritual-intelligible, ontological-cosmological Muhammadi-Surjective Reality (SA) is "neither of the East, nor of the West", but One Muhammadi-Surjective Origination that subsumes them, even perfects them, and also fashions an ontognostic isthmus between them (that supports the Sufis).
Again, he (Nun-Muhammad, SA) is the Absolute Reality-Origination (Haqiqah Kunhi-Kulli Mutlaq), the First Monad-Image-Being (Jawhar Fard, Mutasawwur Wujud, Nun Haqiqah Mutalsim) of the All-One-Alone-Real Allah-HU. Allah-HU! - Who, in Huwiyah Dhat, precedes and transcends all Onticity (Reality and Being) and so HU, in Huwiyah Dhat, is Transcendent and Unmanifest even unto both Surjective Being and Threshold Existence; and yet HU is HU entirely in the greatest, most Unique, most Whole Self-Disclosure in Muhammadi Surjection, Ontification, Elocution, and Encryption. He (SA) is the Two Seas (Bahrayn) and the Isthmus (Barzakh). He (SA) is the Absolute Eidetic-Ontological Surjective Proximity (Sidratu-l Muntaha wa Hadhratu-l Mukafahat) and he (SA) is the "Two Bows' Length or Closer Still" (Qaba Qawasayn aw 'Adna) - unto Allah's Huwiyah Dhat. He (SA) is the Absolute-Singular "Is-ness/Manifest Realness" (Wujud Kullu Mantuqin fi Hadhrat Mutalhut Muhammadi) of Allah's Huwiyah Dhat. He (SA) is Muhammad (SA): he (SA) is NUN (the Muhammadi-Surjective Monad-Spirit-Being), QAF (the First Universal Intellect), SAD (the Universal Soul), Ha-Mim-'Ayn-Sin-Qaf (Reality [and its Metaform] as it is in itself), Kaf-Ha-Ya-'Ayn-Sad (the Hidden Universal Reality), Ta-Ha (the Lofty Singularity), Ya-Sin (the Essence of the Cosmic Expanse), Ta-Sin (the Light and Veil of Ontognosis), Alif-Lam-Mim (the Entirety of Ontognosis). He (SA) is the Unmatched Complete Elocution and Essence (Tajwid wa Ta'yun) - as well as the Secret and Elemental Logos (Sakt wa Ikhfa') - of Allah-HU, and he (SA) is Allah-HU's Realmost Surjective Singularity and Cosmic Reality (Tanwin wa Takwin Ahadi). And he (SA) is Ummahat (the Utmost Singular Concentration of Reality, as if "Unlettered") and he (SA) is Innahat (the Absolute Inner Reality).
He (SA) is the Absolute Reality-Being and First Source-Spirit as such, the Primal Point, Greatest Name, and Greater Spirit of Allah-HU's Most Unique Self-Disclosure and Self-Manifestation, and he (SA) is the Space-Image-Mind and Time-Substance-Consciousness of the Whole Universal Reality.
And he (SA) veils himself with the Reality of the Qur'an and of the Universe, in Essential Reality-Being (Haqiqat), in Isthmus-Logos (Huruf), and in Expansive Threshold Existence (Harakat). At once, he (SA) veils himself with Ontological Opposites (Mutakathirah), he (SA) modulates Singularity and Multiplicity from his Perfect Unique Logos (Mantiq Khas-Khassah), and he is the Absolute Inner Singularity (Nun Farid Mutafarrid Mutlaq) as seen and realized from Allah's own Oneness. This is how the Muhammadi Being (SA) veils himself with 110,000 veils (of both Light and Darkness), and this is most manifest and unified in Perfect Salat. This is despite his Essential Reality (Haqiqah Mutlaqah Khas) is the Absolute Muhammadi Spirit-Intellection (the Greater Muhammadi Spirit and the Greatest Muhammadi Name), and despite Namus Akbar Jibra'il (Gabriel, in his greater Essence and final Form) is but one of the "Four Sides" of the Muhammadi Reality. Such a Greatest Name is the Secret Masterful Muhammadi Surject-Image-Substance (Nun-Surat-Dhat) that originates, emanates, and hides the essences and forms of all the 99 Names in the Qur'an - 20 of them are more ontognostically fundamental, as well as the whole 1001 Names of Allah-HU as found in the Isnad (Muhammadi Chains) of the Sufis and the Inheritors. Imagine then the Greatest Name (Ism A'zham) and Surjective Self-Disclosure (Tajalli Shu'uni Matnuni) peculiar to the Master of Surjective Being and Threshold Existence himself (SA), as well as that of his Family, of whom he (SA) says, "Verily, 'Ali is from me and I am from 'Ali", and, "'Ali is from my Self (Huwiyi) and my Self is none other than the Qur'an (in its Muhammadi Entirety, Twice-Hidden, Twice-Manifest). And Fatimah is from my Soul between my Two Sides. The Children of Fatimah (the Imams) are like unto my very own Self." Imagine then, beloved ones, the Greatest Name of the Pole and Seal of the Realities (may Allah hasten his appearance and sanctify his cause and means), the Mahdi and Qa'im of the Family of Muhammad (SA), who will seal and encompass the Contents of the Muhammadi Reality and the Universal Reality most uniquely.
Salawat-Allah 'alaika ya Abatah, ya Nun, ya Qaf, ya Sad, ya Muta', ya Nuru kulli Nur wa Nuru Kulli Shai', ya Muhammad, wa 'ala Aalika-t Tahirini-t Tayyibini-l Muta'allihin ajma'in.
Subhana-HU-Allah wa bihamdih. Allahumma salli 'ala Ruh al-Haqiqah al-Mutahaqqiqah al-Muta' al-Mannun al-Mutalsim al-Wujud, alladhin man-huwa Nun-Muhammad, wa 'ala Aalih.
'Allamat Muhammadiyah-'Alawiyah-Akbariyah:
Salat-Allah-HU bi Ismi-HU-l A'zham 'ala Mazhar al-Haqq al-Haqiqat al-Haqa'iq al-Imkan al-Mubin fi kulli Mantuqin Wujud: NUN-Innahat-Ummahat-Mutalsim-Muhammad. Innahat: Nun-Tanwin-Muhammad (Muhammadi Surjection), Qaf-Takwin-Muhammad (Muhammadi Ontification), Sad-Tajwid-Muhammad (Muhammadi Elocution), Alif-Lam-Mim-Tahrif-Muhammad (Muhammadi Encryption). Ummahat: Sad-Basar-Muhammad (Muhammadi Spirit-Intellection), Sin-Basar-Muhammad (Muhammadi Cosmic Expanse), Shin-Bashar-Muhammad (Muhammadi Humanity-Veil). Mutalsim: 'Ayn-Nun-Qaf-Sad-Ghayn-Muhammad (Zhuhr-Idhn-Ism-Surat/Unsur-Dhat-Muhammad). Innama-Muhammadun-'Aliyyun-Nun-Qaf-Sad. Salawat-Allah-HU 'alaihim ajma'in ila Hadrati-l Qa'imi-l Qiyamah wa-l Sahibi-l Zaman wa-l Waliyyi-l 'Asr.
Allah, Allah, HU!
Are you Dani/Indranu?
Appendix 'Allamat - 2007-2017
Salatu-HU-Allah Jah-Wajah Jalla-Jallalah 'ala NUN-Qaf-Sad-Muhammad (Ruh A'zham Muhammadi [Nun], Qalam A'la wa 'Aql Kulli Atamm Muhammadi [Qaf], Mawsuf wa Nafs Kulli Lawammah Muhammadi [Sad]) wa 'ala Aalihi-t-Tahirin wa-t Tayyibin wa-l Muta'allihin wa-l Ma'sumin ajma'in. HU-Allah's Salat (HU's Realization, Qualification, Unification, Perfection; from Huwiyah-Dhat-Allah, the Pre-Ontic and Trans-Ontic All-One-Alone-Real-HU-Allah) forever belongs to our Perfect Master, Monad, Means, and Moment of the Reality of Realities and the Singular of Singulars, and of Surjective Being and Threshold Existence, Sayyidina wa Mahbubina wa Habibi Qulubina, Sayyid al-Ka'inat wa-l Kaunayn wa-l Haramayn, wa-l Qiblatain wa-l Haqiqat al-Imkaniyah, NUN-Muhammad (the First-Singular Ontic [Ontognostic] Spirit-Intellection and Reality-Being, the Twice-Inward Verizon [Batin al-Batin] and the Twice-Outward Horizon [Zahir al-Zahir], the First Ontologically Manifest All-One-Alone-Real-NUN-Muhammad; Ruh al-Haqq al-Muhaqqiq al-Mustajjad al-Mutalsim al-Mannun al-Wujud al-Haqiqah al-Muhammadiyyah; Tajalli al-Suriyyah al-Mutamma wa Mazhar al-Haqiqah al-Haqa'iq al-Kunhiyyah al-Kulliyyah li Kulli Shai'). And this Salat is most certainly and uniquely extended unto his Holy Inner Family (Ahl al-Bayt), especially unto the Commander of the Eye of Reality, Being, Unity, and Certainty ('Amir al-Mu'minin bi Wujud al-Wujdan al-Haqq al-Yaqin), 'Ali ibn Abi Talib, unto the Night of Unveiling and Empowerment (Laylat al-Qadr) and the Fountain of Sealed Gnosis and Overflowing Realities (al-Kawthar), Fatimah al-Zahra, and unto the Proof of Proofs (Hujjatullah), Rank of Ranks (Najiullah), and Standing of Standings (Baqiyatullah), Muhammad al-Mahdi ibn al-Hasan.
Behold and withhold all this in the true Muhammadi-Mahdawi Refinement and Definition of Islam: being the existential-experiential and spiritual-intellectional Path of Unification and Realization (Tawhid and Tahaqquq) in the Niche, Sanctuary, and Expansion of the cosmos, Islam is none other than "Islat al-'Aql al-Kull al-Atamm" (the Ultimate Logos-System of the Universal Intellect and Ethics) and Qualified Muhammadi Sufism-Ontognosis (Tasawwuf 'Irfan al-'Ayn al-Khas al-Khassah al-Mutlaq al-Muhammadiyyah) is its inner Reality, Qualification, Unification, Wholeness, Codification, Refinement. Behold and withhold all this in our Special Repository: the Muhammadi Tanwin, Takwin, Tajwid, Tahrif, and Tashrif - Surjection, Ontification, Elocution, Encryption, and Sublimation, ultimately forming the Unique Muhammadi Tawhid, Tasbih, and Tahmid - Singularity, Transcendence, and Unification. This is indeed none other than the ultimate, intrinsic, extensive, and most uniquely Realized-Qualified-Unified-Elocuted Ontognosis of the Real, of the Muhammadi Reality and of the Universal Reality (and therefore the Peak, Extent, and Absolute Reality-Depth of Sufism), with all the hidden and manifest Uniqueness and Ranks, as it belongs absolutely uniquely (ontically, ideationally, and logocentrically - substantivally, reflexively, and phenomenally) to the Muhammadi Reality (Haqiqah Muhammadiyyah) alone, beyond any relativism, any parallelism, any residue, and any linear-historic time-lines.
Allah-HU has opened what HU has sealed, and sealed what HU has opened this way: indeed so Uniquely Manifest, Absolute, and Sealed is the Reality-Being (Spirit-Intellection) of NUN-Muhammad, who is the innermost and complete Unsur-Haqiqat (Reality-Being), Surah-Huruf (Image-Logos), and Usul-Harakat (Micro- and Macrocosm) of the All-One-Alone-Real: the "M" (Maqam, Mazhar - Eidetic-Ontological Muhammadi Rank), "H" (Haqq, Haqiqah - Ontognostic Muhammadi Reality-Horizon), "M" (Muhaqqiq, Mutahaqqiqah, Mannun - Surjective Muhammadi-Nuni Being-Verizon), "D" (Dawr, Dar al-Halat al-Wujud - Presential Universal Seal).
صلاة هو-الله (اللّهمّ ياهُ من لا هو الّي هو) جاه وجاه جلّ جلاله علي من روحه روح الحقّ المحقْق (الحقيقة المتحقّقة) المطاع المطلسم المستجّد المنّون الوجود الوجهل الوحدة الوجدان اللذيٍ (ن) (إنّما)
من هو محمّدٌ-(نٌ)-نون الإنّهة الآمّهة المطلسم المنّون المتْنون المشْعون المعْنون الموصوف المنطوق المتمكّون المكافحة المتمّة المهٌمّه الوجود الوجه الوحدة الوجدان (من هو نٌ-محمّد و ق-محمّد و ص-محمّد و نور كنهٌي ذات و نور كلّ نور و نور كلّ شئ محمّد) - وعلي آله الطيّبين الطاهرين المعْسومين أجْمعين
Allah-HU's most perfect and realized Salat, Twice-Inward and Twice-Outward (Batin al-Batin wa Zhahir al-Zhahir), be upon Nun-Innahat-Ummahat-Mutalsim-Muhammad (Ism Mahawiyah Mannuniyah Muhammadiyah): the Greatest Muhammadi [Nun-Qaf-Sad] Spirit-Intellection-Monad and the Greatest Muhammadi [Sad-Sin-Shin] Quintessential and Universal Reality, and as such the Greatest Muhammadi [Ha-Mim-'Ayn-Sin-Qaf wa Kaf-Ha-Ya-'Ayn-Sad wa Alif-Lam-Mim-Sad] Ontognostic Reality-Being-Singularity. Indeed, once again, such Meta-Perfect Salat of the All-One-Alone-Real Allah-HU be upon "M" (Maqam, Mazhar, Malak - the Muhammadi-Nuni Space-Image-Mind), "H" (Haqq, Haqiqah, Haaqah - the Realmost Muhammadi-Nuni Reality-Horizon), "M" (Muhaqqiq, Mutahaqqiqah, Haqiqah al-Haqa'iq al-Mannun al-Mahummah al-Suriyah - the Innermost Muhammadi-Nuni Being-Verizon), "D" (Dawr, Dar al-Halat al-Daqa'iq al-Wujud al-'Ula - the Muhammadi-Nuni Time-Substance-Consciousness at the Opening, Unification, Qualification, and Realization of the Furthest Universal Boundary between Surjective Being and Threshold Existence).
صلاة هو-الله على من هو روح الحقيقة المتحقّقة المكاشفة المكافحة المكنّهة المخفيّة الوجود - إنّما محمّدٌ-نّون
Salatu-HU-Allah 'ala man-huwa Ruhu-l Haqiqatu-l Mutahaqqiqatu-l Mukashafatu-l Mukafahatu-l Mukannahatu-l Wujud - Innama -Muhammadun-NUN
Allah-HU's Perfect Salat upon the Greater Muhammadi Nun-Qaf-Sad ['Ayn-Nun-Ghayn] Spirit-Intellection-Monad and the Whole Twice-Inward, Twice-Outward, Singularly Absolute Surjective Reality of Being and Witnessing, of the Most Unique Substantival Eidetic-Ontological Unity and Unification, of the Muhammadi Greatest Spirit-Reality-Name (Ruh Ism A'zham) as such: verily NUN-Muhammad.
[Appendix - Alif-Lam-Mim]
Allah-HU's Salat (Ontognostically Unified Reality) through the Prime Muhammadi Ism (Reality-Unification-Name - Mim, Majma', Ummahat), Isfah (Being-Unicity-Sense - Sad, Saf, Mawsuf), and Idhn (Beingness-Unity-Substace - Nun, Ma'nun, Innahat) belongs within and Within-the-Within to HE who is the entire Depth (Mim), Extent (Lam), and Pure Self-Manifest Singularity (Alif) of the Qur'an (Intelligible-Spiritual-Ethical Concentration/Comprehension of the Realities), the Archetypal Meta-Gnosis and Meta-Verse (Umm al-Kitab), and the Primordial Spirit-Intellection-Gatheredness (Imam al-Mubin): Alif-Lam-Mim-Nun-Qaf-Sad-Muhammad (Nun-Innahat-Ummahat-Mutalsim-Muhammad, SAWS).
HE, the Absolute Muhammadi-Nuni Being (Hadrat Ruh al-Haqiqah al-Mutahaqqiqah al-Mutafarrid al-Mustajjad al-Muhammadiyah, SAWS), from whose Self-Manifest Singularity and Emanations (the 111,000 Ontognostic-Muhammadi Realities, Effusions, and Veils - Mukashafat-Mukafahat-Mukannahat-Muhammad, SAWS) in Allah-HU's Utmost Presence and Greatest Meta-Subsistence (Baqa' innama Baqa' bi AllaH) in the Hahut, the Lahut, the Mutalhut (the Absolute-Subsistent Muhammadi-Nuni "Meta-Innation", such Pure Intrinsic Muhammadi Beingness imbued with a very special Face [Unity-Unicity-Unification] from and into the Hahut and is beyond the Lahut, truly beyond what most Sufis and Gnostics can ever hope to know), and across the Jabarut, the Malakut, and the Nasut - absolutely without ontological parallel... HE is the One who surjectifies, ontifies, elocutes, and encrypts the Innermost and most solitarily Self-Unified Realities, Contents, and Enclosures of the Qutb al-Afrad (he who most uniquely realizes, substantiates, unifies Surpassing-qua-Surpassing and Being-qua-Being in Muhammadi Solitude - who has primordially and symbolically "tossed" the Black Muhammadi Mantle [al-Kissa] of Sealing Inheritorship of the Realities and Secrets above every other Fard and Qutb's innermost eye and thus head, whom the subsequent Fards and Qutbs - to be mentioned successively below - have taken up symbolically on the head, the shoulders, the neck, and the body...), the Qutb al-Arkan (Ibn 'Arabi - Head by that which is Well-Over the Head), the Qutb al-Aqtab (Ahmad Tijani - Head, Neck, and Shoulders; also followed closely by Ahmad ibn Idris and Muhammad al-Samman), the Qutb al-Awtad ('Abd al-Karim al-Jilli - Head and Neck), the Qutb al-Aghwath ('Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani - Whole Body), and the Qutb al-Imkan (Muhammad al-Mahdi - the Whole-in-the Whole, the Whole-outside-the Whole), from Before-Before (Azal al-Azal) unto After-After (Ibad al-Ibad), Within-the-Within (Batin al-Batin) and Without-the-Without (Zahir al-Zahir).
HE, who is the Nun-Tanwin-Muhammad (the Unique Surjective-Monadic Muhammadi-Nuni Reality-Being), Kaf-Nun-Takwin-Muhammad (Ontification), Jim-Dal-Tajwid-Muhammad (Elocution), Sad-Sin-Shin-Muhammad (Encryption), and the whole "Ahsani Taqwim" (Qaf-Ha-Mim-Nun-Muhammad, the Muhammadi Monad-Master-Manifestation) of the Muhammadi Reality (Haqiqah al-Muhammadiyah, SAWS).
By Huwiyah-Dhat HU-ALLAH ("HU-ness") and by HU's Ahadiyah (Absolute Oneness) and Samadiyah (Surjective-Creative Self-Manifest Oneness), HE (SAWS) as such is the Very Greatest Eidetic-Ontological Monad-Mind-Moment-Quotient (Matnun al-Unsur al-A'zham al-Wujud) of Absolute Reality in itself: HE (SAWS) is the Prime-Master Surjective-OMNETIC Muhammadi-Nuni Spirit-Intellection-Monad (Nun-Qaf-Sad-Muhammad, SAWS). By HU-Allah, in HU-Allah, for HU-Allah, unto HU-Allah, HE (MANNUN-MATNUN-MASH'UN-MAHUMMAH-MUHAMMAD, SAWS) is the "Suchness" (Dhammiyah), the "Thatness" (Ummiyah), the "Veriness" (Dhanniyah), and the "Isness" (Inniyah) of the All-One-Alone-Real HU-Allah, without eidetic-ontological parallel and residue (other than the First Primordial-Threefold-Sevenfold Spirit-Intellection-Monads [Arwah wa Jawahir wa Mutajalliyat al-Muqaddasah al-Fardiyah al-Fardhiyah al-Faydhiyah al-Muhammadiyah] emanating from HIM after HIS FIRSTNESS in the Muhammadi Reality, SAWS), with or without the Universe before and after HIM (SAWS), Before-Before and After-After.
A thousand universes passing from Singularity to Singularity, from Threshold to Threshold (through Hubb-Hashr-Haybat - Threefold Attraction, Depletion, and Replenishment; as well as through Fana'-Fana' 'an Fana'-Baqa' - Annihilation, Annihilation from Annihilation, and finally Unique Subsistence, which has its own further Intrinsic-Ontic Ranks), from Negation to Negation, all the way to the Negation of the Negation of the Negation - and the Higher Indication of Threefold No-Indication - and therefore to the Greatest Instance of Affirmation (via Reality, Being, and Certainty), by the Motion of the Universal Soul (Mawsuf), the Moment of the Universal Intellect (Qalam), and the Monad of the Greater Muhammadi Spirit (Ruh al-A'zham al-Muhammadiyah, SAWS)... Such Superset of Universes (Multi-Aeons) alone cannot inscribe, prescribe, and describe what is to be "descended" upon the Well-Guarded Gnostic Tablets (Mahfuzhat) by the most sublime Passing and Passing-from-Passing of the Universal Soul, as well as by the Absolute Lifting, Withdrawing, and Contracting (Unfolding, Beholding, and Withholding) of the Universal Intellect (their elemental and comprehensive Retraction by Muhammadi Ascent [Taraqqi] and their Re-Establishment in Greater Ontological Unity-Unicity-Unification by Muhammadi Descent [Tanazzulat]) - EXCEPT by the Verizon-Horizon-Rank of the Qutb al-Afrad (Qutb al-Mutanawwin al-Muhammadiyah), from his Self-Reality-Quality-Elements and from the Overflow of Overflows through that Most Hidden and Absolute Rank. And such Unified Reality is what the Mahdi ('Ajal-Allah-HU, Wajh-HU-Allah, Baqiyatu-HU-Allah) inherits from that Absolute-Primordial Muhammadi Rank (Maqam al-Muta' al-Mutlaq al-Muhammadiyah, SAWS), by which he (the Mahdi) shall subsist in the said Internal Ranks of the Greater Muhammadi Spirit (SAWS), move the Universal Intellect after its Lifting, overwhelm (move, transform, and unify) more and even infinitely more the Universal Soul, and open the Boundary of Boundaries by the Face, Breath, and Extent (of the Effusive-Suffusive-Diffusive Reality, Wajh-Allah bi Nafs al-Rahmani) regarding "Pure Existence" uniquely different from the Superset (Hal bi la-Ta'layn al-Wujud) of Existence, Non-Existence, and Non-Non-Existence. And all this happens through and within the Most Unique Ontognostic Unification (Salat, Islat al-Haqq al-Haaqah wa-l Khas al-Khassah) of the Mahdi in the Quintessence of the Eye-Content (Red-Sulfur, Kibrit al-Ahmar) of the Muhammadi Reality and so the Manifest Metaverse ('Ayn al-Ghayn al-Wahdat al-Imkaniyah al-Muhammadiyah, SAWS) - compared to which, a thousand inner and outer states of most of the Sufis and even their Soul-Holding Poles are but droplets and sprinkles with or without a Shoreless Ocean and Silhouette totally manifest before them in Self-Gatheredness (Ma'budiyah).
Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik da'iman abadan 'ala Ruh al-Haqq al-Muhaqqiq al-Mahayyah al-Mahwiyah al-Mahummah al-Mannun al-Matnun al-Mash'un al-Mantuqun al-Mansurun al-Masturun al-Mutalsim al-Mustajjad al-Mutajami'at al-Mutahallat al-Mutahaqqiqat al-Mukashafat al-Mukafahat al-Mukannahat al-Innahat al-Ummahat al-Mutammat al-Wujud al-Wajh al-Wahdat al-Wujdan al-Muhammadiyah. Alladhin Man-Huwa Alif-Lam-Mim-Nun-Qaf-Sad-Muhammad. Wa 'ala Aalihi-t Tahirini-l Muta'allihini-l Ma'sumin ajma'in - ila Hadrati Qa'imi-l Qiyamah Muhammad al-Mahdi bi-Allah-HU, wa Huwa Hujjat Allah-HU wa Mazhar Allah-HU al-Akbar li Kulli Shai' wa Huwa Baqiyatu-l Zaman wa Sirru-l Waqt wa Haqiqatu-l 'Asr wa Huwa Kanz al-Haqiqat al-Haqa'iq al-Muhammadiyah al-'Alawiyah al-Fatimiyah bi-Ismi-HU-Allah wa bi-Idhni-HU-Allah al-A'zham al-Atamm. Wa ila Jami'ati wa Hadrati Tariqati-l Haqiqati-l Mustajjadi-l Muhammadiyati-l Qadiriyati-l Akbariyati-l Mahdawiyati-l Haqqi-l Haqqah wa-l Khasi-l Khassah. Ya-HU-Allah Man-la-HU-Allah illa-HU-Allah. HU-HU-HU-Allah - HU-Allah Jah-Wajah Jalla-JalalaH. Subhana-HU-Allah wa bi-Hamdi-H-Allah wa la-Huwa-illa-HU-Allah. Allah-HU, Allah-HU, Allah-HU Akbar, wahda-HU-Allah.
Allah-HU's Endless Salat BE in the Innermost Reality-Being-Logos (Kahf-Ikhfa'-Kalam) of Muhammad as such: when all the internal and extensive Degrees of the Prime Moment-Motion-Mover of the Ontognostic Ka'ba (Qubt-Qutb-Baqa') of the Higher Unity, Unicity, and Unification of the Elemental Effusive-Concentrated Realities (Haqa'iq, Huruf, Harakat - Muqata'at) are contracted via the Gnostic Inflection "Qaba Qawasayn 'aw 'Adna" of Muhammadi Being and Witnessing into the Uttermost Singular "Omnetic" Root-Being [of] MIM-NUN-Muhammad ("OMNUS-METANON-MANNON-OMNUN-Muhammad" [M: N(U(g, dg)) ~ S], to use such a Unique Surjective-Monadic Muhammadi-Nuni Ontognostic Neologism - at greater Length in Absolute Depth: Nun-Mannun-Matnun-Mash'un-Ma'nun-Maghnun-Maqnun-Maknun-Mutamakkun-Muhammad, SAWS) by Allah-HU's own Pre-Ontic and Trans-Ontic Realness, in Pure Surjective-Monadic Muhammadi-Nuni Being (Halat al-Majhurat al-Manhurat al-Mansurat al-Muhammadiyah) beyond the Threefold Threshold of Existence, Non-Existence, and Non-Non-Existence. Such is the NUN of the Utmost Muhammadi Reality-Spirit (Hadrat Ruh al-Haqiqah al-Mahummah al-Mannuniyah al-Muhammadiyah, SAWS), behind, within, and Within-the-Within the Threefold Mim (Absolute Hidden Depth, Singularity, and Accent) of "Muhammad" and "Allahumma innama ma-a'zhama sha'ni", as also encompassed by the Qur'anic "Nurun 'ala Nurin" and "NUN... Wa-l Qalam wa ma-yasturun... [ ]... Innaka la-'ala-l Khalqin 'Azhim..." (also, again, related to the Qur'anic-Ontognostic-Muhammadi "Ahsani Taqwim" of the "Tin" [Shari'at], the "Zaytun" [Haqiqat], the "Turisinin" [Ma'rifat], and the "Hadha-Baladi-l-Amin" [Tariqat] - ultimately to "La-Sharqiya wa la-Gharbiya..." [by Self-Reality and Self-Unveiling - Hadrat al-Mutahaqqiqat al-Muhammadiyah and Hadrat al-Mukashafat al-Muhammadiyah: neither of the East/merely inward nor of the West/merely outward, but of Absolute Self-Manifest Origination: Realmost-Singular, Twice-Inward, and Twice-Outward - Hadrat al-Mukafahat al-Muhammadiyah], as well as "Ka'annaha-Kaukabun..." [Utmost Self-Manifest Illumination - Hadrat al-Mukannahat al-Muhammadiyah]).
Salat al-Mannuniyah al-Muhammadiyah al-Qadiriyah al-Akbariyah al-Ahmadiyah
اللْهُمّ صلّى على ن-ق-ص-ا-ل-م-محمّدٌ (نٌ) الّذي (نٌ) منْ-هو روح (نور) الحقيقة (الحق) المتحقّقة (المحقْق) المكاشفة المكافحة المهْوية المظْهر المنْهور (نٌ) المنْصور (نٌ) المنْطوق (نٌ) الموصوف الموجود المستجّد المجهور (نٌ) المقهور (نٌ) المسطور (نٌ) المنّون المتْنون المشعون المعْنون المغْنون المقْنون المكْنون المهُمّه المتمّة المنّهة الممّهة المكنّهة المنْمنّون الممْتنّون المنْهمنّون المحمّدية الْاُحمدية الوجود الوجه الوحدة الوجدانْ (نٌ)
هو هو هو اللهُ جاه وجاه جلّ جلالهْ
هو- اللهُ - وجاه -- نورٌ- منْهورٌ- منْصورٌ- مسْطورٌ- محمّدٌ - عليٌ -- هو- محمّدٌ - نون
HU-Allah alladhi MAN-HU-Allah Jah-Wajah-HU-Allah Jalla-Jalalu-HU-Allah
HU-Allah-Wajah - Nur[un]-Manhur[un]-Mansur[un]-Mastur[un]-Muhammadun-'Aliyyun [Nur[un]-'ala-Nur[in]] - HU-Muhammadun-NUN
Allahumma salli 'ala NUN-Qaf-Sad-Alif-Lam-Mim-Muhammad alladhi[n] MAN-HUWA Ruh [Nur] al-Haqiqat [al-Haqq] al-Mutahaqqiqat [al-Muhaqqiq] al-Mukashafat al-Mukafahat al-Mahwiyah al-Mazhar al-Manhur[un] al-Mansur[un] al-Mantuq[un] al-Mawsuf al-Mawjud al-Mustajjad al-Majhur[un] al-Maqhur[un] al-Mastur[un] al-Mannun al-Matnun al-Mash'un al-Ma'nun al-Maghnun al-Maqnun al-Maknun al-Mahummah al-Mutammah al-Munnahat al-Mummahat al-Mukannahat al-Munmannun al-Mumtannun al-Munhamannun al-Muhammadiyah al-Ahmadiyah al-Wujud al-Wajh al-Wahdat al-Wujdan
[Ila kulli Hal Hadrat ash-Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir Jilani wa ash-Shaykh al-Akbar (ibn 'Arabi) wa ash-Shaykh Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Fasi al-Khatami wa Hadrat al-Qa'im al-Qiyamah al-Mahdi bi-Allah-HU bi kulli Ism wa Idhn wa Unsur wa 'Usul wa Hudur wa Tajalli al-'Illiyyun al-Mufradat al-Mutalsim al-Mutalhut al-Hahut al-Lahut al-Jabarut al-Malakut an-Nasut al-A'zham al-Atamm al-Ahsan al-Imkan al-'Iqan al-Muntazhar az-Zahir az-Zahir al-Batin al-Batin al-Jam' al-Jam' al-Mutajami'ah al-Mutammimah al-Haqq al-Haqqah al-Khas al-Khassah al-'Amm al-'Ammah al-Muhammadiyah al-'Alawiyah al-Fatimiyah as-Sadiqiyah al-Mahdawiyah al-Masihiyah al-'Idrisiyah al-'Adnaniyah al-Hashimiyah al-Kunhiyah al-Kauniyah al-Kulliyah]
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