Al-Hikmah an-Nuniyah
In the Name of AllaH, the All-Effulgent, the All-Encompassing.
Utter Transcendence belongs to AllaH.
All-One Praise belongs to AllaH, which is the Glory of His Sole Manifestation (Tajalli al-Fard) -- and It was before all else came to be empowered into manifestation and descent.
Verily He is AllaH, in Himself; by Himself; with Himself, for Himself, unto Himself, in the Most Hidden Beyondness (Ghayb al-Ghayb al-Ahadiyah bila Ta'ayn).
He is Ilah -- Huwa-AllaHu alladhi la Ilaha illa-Huwa; La ilaha illa-AllaH; Huwa-l Ilahu-l Mala'ikati wa-r Ruh -- in His (non-composite) Oneness -- with or without emanating Names and reflective Mirrors -- in the First Realm of Oneness ('Alam al-Ahadiyah al-Uluhiyah).
He is Rabb -- Rabbu-l 'Izzat Jalla JalaluHu -- encompassing the Dominions of the Universe, and the Multiverses thereof, whose municipalities absolutely lie in His Hand of Power (Qudrat) and whose essences lie in His Gaze (Surjective Sight), such that if He stopped observing the created realms, they would cease to exist at once; and certainly He, the Beholder, Sees, even when there is none to be seen in creation.
He is He (Alone), al-Wujud adh-Dhati, such that if He wasn't He, both Existence and Non-Existence would be absolutely non-existent, impossible.
Existence (Peace) and Glory (Blessings) of AllaH, without end, be unto MUHAMMAD, the First Light-Spirit -- the Absolute Radiant Point -- of Reality in and from AllaH's own Being (Wujud-AllaH al-Aqdas), without the Universe before Him.
The MUHAMMADAN SPIRIT (Ruh al-A'zam al-Muhammadiyah) IS, and was before the Pen (Qalam), Tablet (Lawh), and Throne ('Arsh) -- and the rest of the differential constitutions -- came to be in the fold of the Four Corners of the Ka'ba.
He (SAWS) is the SPIRIT-BEING (Wujud ar-Ruhiyah), around Whose Point of Singularity (Nun) the Divine Confluences of Light gather and originate.
He (SAWS) is Reality Itself -- with or without constitutional Realm of Oneness -- and the Last Noetic Appearance in Phenomena emanating from the glorious connective Foliage of the Prophetic Tree of Reality, Certainty, and Theophany, Who said, "Awwalu ma khalaq-AllaHu Ruhi."
He (SAWS) also said, "Ana Awwalu man Tajallala-Hu."
He (SAWS) also said, "Kuntu Nabiyyan wa 'Adamu bayni-l Ma'i wa-t-Tin."
By my Utter Secret, MUHAMMAD is That-Which-Is; the Greater Spirit -- Reality-in-Itself -- and, still beyond your limited mirror and knowledge, the Most Hidden (Elementary) Constitution of the First Universal Intellect ('Aql Kulli Awwal).
His (SAWS) First 'M' (Mim) is the Rank-Seat (Maqam), i.e., Heart, of the Divine Presence (Hadrat al-Ilahiyah).
His 'H' (Ha) is the Reality (Haqiqah) of the Divine Being (Wujud-AllaH).
His Second 'M' (Mim) is the Being (Wujud) of the Divine Reality (Haqiqah al-Haqa'iq).
His 'D' (Dal) is the Truth (Haqq) of the Divine Oneness (Ahadiyah-Wahdaniyah), which -- by Itself -- is the Trace (Lutf) and Secret (Sirr) of the Divine Being in the Realm of Union ('Alam al-Wahdat).
By my soul, He (SAWS) is the Odd and the Even, the Twice-Within and the Twice-Without, neither of the East (Mashriq) nor of the West (Maghrib), whose Essence none can approach, for nothing enters It and none comes out of It, and Whose Surjective Being and Form (Wujud Nuniyah Muhammadiyah) shapes and moves -- and overwhelms -- the oceanic currents of manifestation, within and without.
O you among Adam's sons who have only perceived the shadows of the MUHAMMADAN REALITY (Haqiqah al-Muhammadiyah) in your scanty mirror of self-constitution!
In MUHAMMAD's Phenomenal-Isthmus Form, that Blessed Soul (SAWS) underwent Ascension (Mi'raj) by His own Primordial Sainthood (Walayah al-Azaliyah) and by His own Self-Constitution (Dhat al-Khulud al-Muhammadiyah). And because the Universal Wave-Fronts and Embers of Attraction reached their ultimate zenith and apex due to His own Reality (SAWS) being the Entire Greater Spirit Itself (Ruh al-A'zam al-Kulliyah), nothing veiled (nor unveiled) Him (SAWS) towards the Presence of the Most Sacred Essence of AllaH, just as no radiance would be powerful enough to hide and manifest Him (SAWS) as Him (SAWS), other than AllaH's own Being. Thus, He (SAWS) reached what was to be reached into the Essence of the First and Last Single Point of Truth, and was with AllaH as AllaH's own Secret, without eidetic veils and parallel manifestations, such that the Two Bows of Reality (Qaba Qawasayn) -- or That-Which-Is "Closer Still" (aw 'Adna) --, of Being and Witnessing (al-Wujud wa ash-Shuhud), and of the Absolute and the Possible (al-Wajib al-Wujud wa al-Mumkin al-Wujud), were nothing but Himself (SAWS).
Such ("{ }") is the Destiny (Qadr) spanning a single Muhammadan Day and a lone Muhammadan Night in the Attainment (Arrival, Wusul) of the most beloved and favored of AllaH's Saints (Awliya'-AllaH), in the Image-Form (Surah) of their Master (SAWS), the Master of Prophets, Messengers, Angels, and Saints.
And, from the Most Original State of Divine Union, that Soul of Utter Sublimity (SAWS) -- more elusive (instantaneous) than the flashing and orbiting of the Angels of the Throne and more sublime than the particles of a Saint's mirror-heart -- returned to phenomenal existence with the Face of the Absolute Divine Caliphate (Wujud al-Insan al-Kamil) for the jinn and human realms, whether hidden or manifest, thus manifesting His Perfect, Total, Primordial Sainthood (Walayah al-Kamaliyah al-Azaliyah al-Kulliyah al-Muhammadiyah) as the Great Isthmus-Connector (Barzakh al-Kubra) and Absolute Sealing Messengership (Risalah al-Khatamiyah al-Kulliyah).
Therefore, understand that MUHAMMAD's Sainthood is reflected in the Night Journey (Isra'-Mi'raj) from Creationality to AllaH -- away from the sight of all creation, other than with the Reality and Sight of the Real (al-Haqq) --, and His (SAWS) Messengership from AllaH to all creation at the Hour of the Clear Blazing Day -- and so never dare to compare the Two outside His (SAWS) Self (Huwiyah al-Muhammadiyah), for you are without knowledge of this delicate truth!
As for His (SAWS) Prophethood, it is Absolute Special Prophethood (Nubuwah al-Mutlaq al-Khassah) -- the Alpha and Omega of Intelligible Divine Manifestation, the Source-Reality of all Prophetic-Saintly Powers, Sightings, and Divine Outpourings. As such, He (SAWS) is the Great Hour (Qiyamah al-Kubra), the Divine Radiance (Diya-AllaH) of the Absolute Point of No-Return (with respect to both ordinary existence and absolute non-existence). Such is the Prophethood of the Greatest Name (Nubuwah al-Ism al-A'zam).
He (SAWS) is the Mount Tur (Qaf) of Manifestation and Knowing, in Whose Spirit-Essence, AllaH's Manifestations (Tajalliyat) -- including Knowing Itself and, indeed, All His Knowings -- originate.
Indeed, you do not understand this, as Shaykh al-Akbar (Ibn 'Arabi) would have said!
Verily, the Prophet's (SAWS) WAHY is of the most all-encompassing KASHF (Unveiling). And so it entirely is Divine Theophany (Tajalli al-Ilahiyah) -- of the All-One Praise-Glory (al-Hamd) that He (SAWS) is. That is how the Muhammadan Self-Constitution (Dhat al-Muhammadiyah) forms the Divine Countenance (Wajh-AllaH), and modulates and reflects It, noumenally (in Itself) and phenomenally (extensively).
That is how the Prophet (SAWS) seals what is open and opens what is sealed. Though His (SAWS) Caliphs (Spiritual Successors, especially the First and the Last of Them, i.e., Hadrat 'Ali and Hadrat al-Mahdi, and Those in between), upon Divine Invitation and Empowerment in the Muhammadan Image (Surah al-Muhammadiyah), have also reached Places of Glory around That-Which-Is, by passing through the Doors of Power (opened and kept open by the Prophet's Ascension), there is no Prophet, nor Messenger, nor Angel, let alone Absolute Saint, before and after Him (SAWS). For MUHAMMAD is MUHAMMAD, just as AllaH is AllaH.
Inna-AllaHa wa Mala'ikataHu yusalluna 'ala-n Nabi. Ya ayyuha-l ladhina amanu sallu 'alaiHi wa sallimu taslima.
AllaHuMMa salli wa sallim wa barik da'iman abadan 'ala Sayyidi-r-Ruhi-l Wujud wa 'Ayni-l-Ghayni-l-Hudur; Shamsi Bahri Anwarika wa Mahbati Asrarika wa Turi Tajalliyati Ahsaniyatika; Insani Nuni-l Wujud wa Yaquti fi kulli Mawjud; Nuri Kunhi-dh-Dhat wa Nuri kulli Nur; Imami-l Qiblatayn wa Sirri-l Haramayn wa Sayyidi-l Kaunayn; Na'ibi Hadrati Dhatika-l Aqdas wa Waliyyi Ismika-l A'zam, Sayyidina wa Mawlana wa Shafi'ina wa Habibina MUHAMMADIN Haqiqati-l Kulliyah wa Sirri-l Ahadiyah, wa 'ala AliHi wa SahbiHi ajma'in.
Wa 'ala kulli hali Hadrati-sh-Shaykh 'Abdi-l Qadir Jilani wa Awliya'-AllaH ajma'in.
هم - اللهم
يا ه - هوم
يهوه - هو الله
هو الله لا هو الا هو
هو - محمد - ن
هوم - أنا - هوم
Eid Mawlid Nabi Mubarak,