Dearest Niknaaz,
Dewsong in my Zikr,
Sunshine in my Fikr,
Full Moon in my solitude,
Elixir in my Breathing,
Song in my Restless Sea of feelings,
Sweet-faced Beauty in my seeing,
Reality in this honey-filled denial of my own existence,
Oh Beloved of Allaah, don't go far away from this afflicted Majnoon,
Oh Daughter of Mustafa,
Oh Bride of 'Ali,
Don't desert me as the evening wind deserts the yonder branches of autumn,
Not even for a second, oh Layla,
For you are winged and I, this Faqeer, I am imprisoned and dusted...
Oh Beloved of my Rooh,
A day without thinking of you is infinitely long and unbearable,
Like that desolate road between Kabul and Kandahar trodden by barefooted lovers that leads them from mist to mist, enveloping them in obscure heights,
At this Maqam of Surrender, what else can I do? I will be waiting for you, oh my Love,
Even as the many-colored leaves wait for the Sun in the fold of the morning mist and in the heart of countless songless nights...
Men can move like restless caravan trains but I, oh Niknaaz, park me off somewhere in your consent (ridha) and nearness (qurb), and not in my anguished slumber and wishful thinking,
Rest me in your gaze,
In the silhouette of your beauty,
In the sun of your smile,
In your Love, oh my sweetheart.
Oh Niknaaz,
May your silhouette never dissolve on the beach that my heart is,
May your beauty never be veiled by the silence of the night,
May your eyelids never flutter into the empty distance, oh Mashuq,
Even as Khorassan is just a thought away from my place of exile.
Don't leave me without your gaze, not even for a second, my dearest,
Because in that moment when your gaze falls upon me and enshrouds my Rooh in shyness,
And when your thoughts burn a greater Majnoon within this Majnoon in ecstasy (zauq),
I find the cure for my love-sickness, which is loving you, you, you, oh Niknaaz, more, more, and more until I am no more, until I am no more, until I am no more...
Until my ashes are nowhere to be found except in that crimson shyness in your eyes,
In every beloved's eyes,
In every lover's breath,
In Allaah's Sweetness.
Infinite Love and Tenderness,
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