BismilLaah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem
Glorified (and Exalted) be Hu (Allaahu) [above all that (evil) they associate with Hu] [
Tafsir Qurtubî, Vol. 10, Page 204] Who took Hu's Slave (Muhammad

) for a journey by night from
Al-Masjid-al-Harâm (at Makkah) to the farthest mosque (in Jerusalem), the neighbourhood whereof We have blessed, in order that We might show him (Muhammad

) of Our
Ayât (proofs, evidences, lessons, signs, etc.). Verily, Hu is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer.
(QS. al-Isra': 1)
BismilLaah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem
Allaahumma shalli 'alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadin bahri awarik O Allaahu, shower Your sweetest blessings upon our Master Muhammad, the Shoreless Ocean of Your Light
wa ma'dini asraarik the Mine of Your Secrets
wa 'uruusi mamlakatik the Throne of Your Dominion(s)
wa imaami hadhratik the Imaam of Your Presence
wa thiraazi mulkik the Splendid Frame of Your Kingdom
wa khazaa-ini rahmatik the Repository of Your Endless Love
wa thariiqi syarii'atik the Way of Your Noble Law
al-mutaladzdzidzi bi tauhiidik the One who has tasted the sweetness of Your Essential Oneness
insaani 'ainil-wujuudi was-sababi fii kulli maujuud the One Being who is the Cause of all that has come into existence
'aina a'yaani khalqik the One Arch-Intercessor for Your creatures
al-mutaqaddimi min-nuuri dhiyaa-ik the One through whom Your Primordial Light shines forth
shalaatan taduumu bi dawaamik with eternal blessings as eternal as Your Essential Self
wa tabqaa bib-aqaa-ik and as unchanging as Your Invariability
laa muntahaa lahaa duuna 'ilmika shalaatan turdhiika truly, there is no end nor boundary to Your Knowledge
wa turdhiihi wa tardhaa bihaa 'annaa yaa rabbal-'aalamiin with the blessings with which You are pleased and which shower ourselves with loving delight, O Lord of the worlds.
(Originally related to me by Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani
qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah )
A year and a half after the Holy Prophet Muhammad

Kasyf (Unveiling) and received
Nubuwwah (Prophethood) from Allaahu 'Azza wa Jalla (Exalted in Might and Transcendence is Hu!), he was invited to the Presence of Allaahu, Almighty and Exalted. From Makkah to Jerusalem (al-Quds) he travelled accompanied by the Archangel Gabriel (Jibril)

. From Jerusalem he ascended to the heavens by means of Buraq, a heavenly mount who carried him up. All the prophets in the different levels of heaven came to greet him. He ascended higher and higher, until he heard the scratching of the Pen (read: the Intellect), writing out Allaahu's Decree. He approached the Divine Presence, closer and closer, until Jibril

said to him, "Ya Rasul Allaahu, I cannot continue further, or I will be extinguished." The Holy Prophet

said, "O Jibril, accompany me!" He said, "I cannot, or I will be burned (annihilated) in Allaahu's Primordial Light." So our Master, the Master of existences, Muhammad

, the most Perfect of the Perfect, continued alone. Driven by his boundless love for Allaahu's Divine Presence he approached closer and closer, achieving the State of Complete Annihilation in five different stages.
From one stage to another the Holy Prophet

moved into Allaahu's Divine Secrets. Between each stage was five hundred thousand years. He passed through these vast Divine Oceans of Knowledge, which Allaahu, Almighty and Exalted, has created, until he was completely dissolved in Allaahu's Existence, seeing nothing except Hu. Then Allaahu called him to return to existence after he had reached the State of Annihilation. He returned and Allaahu told him, "O Muhammad, Approach closer." From this it is understood that the Holy Prophet

, having reached the State of Complete Annihilation, was called by Allaahu by his name, indicating that he was appearing anew with Allaahu's Appearance, with all of Hu's Attributes, hence attaining
as-Sifat al-Haqqani. He reached so near to the Divine Light, that he was
"two bow-lengths or nearer" [53:9]. Allaahu asked him, "Who are you, O Muhammad?" At that time the Prophet

was not conscious of himself and he replied: "You alone exist, ya Rabbi (O my Lord)." This is the perfection of the state of not associating anyone with Allaahu. It is the perfect sign of Tawhid (Oneness), when nothing exists except Allaahu's Glory, Allaahu's Essence, Hu alone.
Allaahu, Almighty and Exalted, said to the Holy Prophet

on the Night of Ascension, "O My Beloved Muhammad, I have created all of creation for your sake, and I am giving it all to you." At that moment Allaahu granted the Prophet

power to see all that Hu had created, with all of their lights and all of the favors that Allaahu had granted Hu's creatures by decorating them with Hu's Attributes and with Hu's Divine Love and Beauty.
BismilLaah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem
Allaahumma shalli 'alaa nuuril-anwaar O Allaahu, shower Your sweetest blessings upon the Light upon all lights
wa sirril-asraar the Secret of all secrets
wa tiryaaqil-aghyaar the Cure for all existential sorrow
wa miftaahil-baabil-yasaar the Opener of Ease
sayyidina wa mawlana Muhammadanil-mukhtaari our Master and Guide Muhammad, the Chosen One
wa aalihil-ath-haari also upon his Pure Family
wa ash-haabihil-akhyaar and the best of his companions
'adada ni'amillaahi wa afdhaalih countlessly even as Your bounties for us are countless.
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