The Tha-Sin of the Muhammadan Light
Of Asy-Syahid ar-Rabbani Husayn ibn Manshur al-Hallaj (r.a.) Tha Sin
(Qur'an: 27.1)
"In Muhammad (MHMD), Allah's Most Hidden Essence (Dzat Allah) is the H in his M, and He witnesses Himself, in His own Uniqueness (al-Hadhrah al-Ahadiyyah al-Aqdas), in the M of his H. All in All is manifestly gathered in his D, ensuing from his being HM (Ha Mim) without otherness and precedence in Allah's Remembrance of Himself. Thus, if you know Allah as Allah, you shall know that Muhammad is Love's Only Meaning in all 70,000 vast oceans of secrets. Realizing this (al-Haqiqah al-Muhammadiyyah) is what Sufism (Tashawwuf) is all about. Everything else you may witness is like a pollen grain, a dispersing wave, or a shadow perceived in your own incapacity."
A Lamp appeared from the Light of the Absolute, the Unseen. It appeared and returned, and it surpassed the other lamps. It was a Ruling Moon, manifesting itself radiantly among the other moons. It was a star whose astrological house is in the Empyrean. Allah named him 'Indescribable' (Ummi) in view of the Unscaled Concentration of his Reality, which is his Desire in disguise, and also 'Consecrated' because of the Primeval Majesty of his Blessing, and 'Makkan' because of his Unique Domain in His Vicinity.
For your sake, He expanded his breast, and raised his power, and lifted from him the burden 'that had weighed down thy back,' and He imposed (on creation) his authority. As Allah made his Badr appear, his Full Moon rose from the cloud of Yamamah, and his Sun arose on the side of Tihamah (Makkah), and his Lamp shone from the Source of all Divine Munificence.
He did not report about anything except according to his inner vision, and he did not order the following of his example except according to the truth of his conduct. He (alone) was in the Presence of Allah, then he (alone) brought others into His Presence. He saw, then he related what he was (in Primacy). He was sent forth as a guide, so he defined the limits of conduct.
No one is capable of discerning his true significance, except the Sincere, since he confirmed its validity, and then accompanied him so that there would not remain any disparity between them.
No gnostic ever knew him who was not ignorant of his true quality. His quality is made clear only to those to whom Allah undertakes to disclose it. 'Those to whom We have given the Book, and they recognize their sons, even though a party of them conceal the Truth, and that wittingly.' (Qur'an: 2.46)
The lights of Prophethood issued from his Light, and his Light appeared from the Being of the Most Hidden Mystery, which is of himself, in himself, for himself. Among the lights, there is none more luminous, more manifest, or more uncreated-than-uncreatedness than the Light of the Master of Generosity.
His Aspiration preceded all other aspirations, his Existence preceded non-existence, his Name preceded the Pen because it existed before it. There was never on the horizons, beyond the horizons, nor below the horizons anyone more graceful, nobler, wiser, more just, kinder, more God-fearing, or more sympathetic than the holder of this role. His Title is 'Master of Existences', and his Name is Ahmad, and his Attribute is Muhammad. His Command is most certain, and his Essence is most excellent, and his Attribute is most glorious, and his Aspiration is most unique.
Oh marvel! What is more manifest, more visible, greater, more famous, more luminous, more powerful, or more discerning than him? He is and was, and was known before created things and existences and beings. He was and still is remembered before 'before' and after 'after', and before substances and qualities. His substance is completely light, his speech is prophetic, his knowledge is celestial, his mode of expression is Arabic, his tribe is 'neither of the East nor the West' (Qur'an: 24.35), his genealogy is patriarchal, his mission is conciliation, and he has the title of the 'Indescribable'.
Eyes were opened by his signs, secrets and selves perceived by his being there. It was Allah who made him articulate by His Word, and being the Proof, confirmed him as that which he (alone) is. It was Allah who sent him forth. He is the Proof and the Proven. He is the Truth by the Truth, and he is the Truth in the Truth, and he is the Truth for the Truth. It is he who quenches the thirst of the vehemently thirsty heart, it is he who brings the Uncreated Word that is not touched by what touches it, nor phrased by the tongue, nor made. His Reality is united with Allah without separation, as Uniqueness in Uniqueness, without shadow, and it surpasses the conceivable. It is he who announces the End, and the Ends, and the Ends of the End.
He lifted the cloud, and pointed to the Sacred House. He is the Limitation (Boundary), and he is a heroic warrior. It is he who received the order to break the idols, and it is he who was sent to mankind for the extermination of them.
Above him a cloud flashed bolts of lightning, and below him a bolt of lightning flashed, shone, caused rain, and fructified. All knowledge is but a drop from his Ocean, and all wisdom is but a handful from his Stream, and all times are but an hour from his Life.
Allah is with him, and with him is Reality. He is the First in Union and the Last to be commissioned as a prophet, the Inward by Reality, and the Outward by Gnosis.
No scholar ever attained his Knowledge, nor did any philosopher become cognizant of his Understanding. None, of the ancient, of the present, and of the future, can approach his Reality, either from within or from without, for he (alone) is he.
Allah did not surrender (His Reality) to His creation, because he (alone) is he, and his being there is He, and He (Alone) is He.
Nothing comes out of the M of MHMD, and none enters into his H, and his H is the same as his second M, and his D is as his first M. His D is his Universal Perpetuity, his M is his Singular Rank, his H is his Spiritual State (Inner Reality), as is his second M.
Allah made his Word manifest, and amplified his Mark, and made his Proof known. He sent down the Furqan to him, He made his Tongue adequate, and He made his Heart shine. He made his contemporaries incapable (of imitating the Qur'an). He established his Clarification and exalted his Glory.
With him, and him alone, Allah is pleased. He is the Most Certain of the Certain in the Plane of Glory, the Most Distinguished at the Peak of the Ascent, the Most Present at its Perimeter. He is the Truth, and he is the Witnessing Truth, and he is the Witnessed Truth.
He is the Most Solitary of the Solitary in the Divine Presence. He is the Singular Reality by the Singular Essence, and he is the Sign of Oneness, and he is the Sign for both (Absolute) Oneness and (Relative, Graded) Multiplicity. He is the Locus of Gathering and the Encompassment of Dispersion. His Certainty in Being, untouched by the whirling confluence of existences and non-existences encompassed by him, is his Light, which is of His Mercy. Light upon Light.
Where Beauty is sealed from within the Within, he is the Seal and the Secret. He is the Manifest Sea and the Hidden Pearl. And so, for his sake, Allah is indeed Allah.
If you flee from his domains, what route will you take without a guide, oh ailing one? The maxims of the philosophers are like a slipping heap of sand before his Wisdom.
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