- Niknaaz (3): Moon of Fars
- By Dani
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Sunday, October 7, 2007
- Niknaaz
*For my dear sister Niknaaz*
Ay, Niknaaz!
O smoldering heart of mine
Here I am in every dreamer's world
O this intoxicating stillness that falls upon me
Here I am before the spring sunshine of every Majnun's seasons
O Elysian Beauty of my sight
Here I am at every lover's delight
Beloved, O how true this Ishq is
When you are the Image of the Mashuq
And when I am the eye of every Ashiq's eye
Sweetness, you are a winged dream
And I am your dreamer
O you who rise with the morning sun to catch my quiet
Could you be all that my Beloved has taught me?
O glowing Moon of Fars
The forbidden wine is spilt over
When I see Love enthroned upon your crimson shyness
O honey, sugar, and cream in every lover's cup
Let me drown in these ancient feelings fashioned of fire and mist
O you who melt the silence of my internal constellations
You are the dream in every wayfarer's sleep, the lingering pain in his homesickness, and the secret wine in his longing
O Beloved of my Beloved
If this is naught but a vision in my slumber
Then mine is indeed a drunken sleep in which a thousand and one veils are lifted
O wound-healing ecstasy of mine
Pour more and more wine into my cup until all else in existence sinks in animosity
O you whose beauty fills the crystal air
Let every little fluttering bird of the sky be slain by the breeze of your beauty
Let every stranger lose himself to the Truth of Intimacy
Let every whisper be replaced by a heartbeat
To your beautiful heart
Which mirrors all of sincerity's true colors
To your enchanting youth
Which is full of morning bright
To your innocent sweetness
Which sings my secret dewsong
To you, sweet Niknaaz of Allaah
I shall return Love for Love
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
'Ali O 'Ali

- 'Ali O 'Ali
Dedicated to my beloved grandfather, al-Imam an-Nahj al-Balagha al-A'zham Sayyidina wa Mawlana wa Mursyidina wa Habibina 'Ali al-Murtadha as-Syahid an-Najafi al-Asyrafi ('alaihi as-salam wa karram Allahu wajhah)
By Dani, 17 Ramadhan, 1428 AH
Bismi Huwa Huwa Huwa Ta'ala!
'Ali O 'Ali
O he who remains silent in the Mihrab of Intimacy with the Beloved
When mankind proclaim that this world is theirs from behind the folds of illusion
'Ali O 'Ali
O he whom the Beloved has erected as the Sign of the Lonely Path
Until the Two Seas and the Seven Rivers meet and annihilate each other in the Reality of the Shadowless Truth
'Ali O 'Ali
O he for whose sake the Beloved has separated the heavens from the earth
And light from darkness
'Ali O 'Ali
O he whose Sword is in his saying, "I am the Sign"
And whose sweet silence is far more worthy than all the seasons of life
'Ali O 'Ali
O he of whom al-Musthafa has spoken, "You are from me even as I am from you"
And, "I am the City of Knowledge, none shall enter it except through its Gate, 'Ali"
'Ali O 'Ali
O he with a golden heart who stands elevated like a star of surpassing brightness in the center of the night sky
Whose splendid dignity is the Ornament of the Throne of the Beloved
'Ali O 'Ali
O he in whose voice is the Voice of the Eighteen Thousand Seas of Ma'rifat
And the wine-filled echo, "I am the Wings of Knowledge of my Beloved"
'Ali O 'Ali
O he whom al-Haqq has married to His own Light and His own Secret, Az-Zahra and al-Musthafa
And for whose sake the Kautsar of Awakening is granted upon the lovers who journey with the winds of longing
'Ali O 'Ali
O he who is the Father of the Two Minarets of Light, al-Hasan and al-Husayn
For whose sake the heavens shall remain until al-Haqq causes the worlds to recognize Hu as Hu
'Ali O 'Ali
O Pure Water that quenches my thirst
The blessed radiance of your face leaves me drunk with Haqiqat
'Ali O 'Ali
O Knower of the Light within himself
You are the Thariqat of Muhammad and the Light of his Reality
'Ali O 'Ali
O Rushing Mighty Stream of Love
Only the hypocrite shall condemn your sheer beauty out of despair and ignorance
'Ali O 'Ali
O Summit of Beauty of the Family of Muhammad
Sublime is your spiritual station in the heights of Love
'Ali O 'Ali
O Sweetness of every sigh that comes from the depths of Love
The angels keep count of every joy you sing as a gift unto life and every tear shed by your sorrow
'Ali O 'Ali
O Splendor of Allahu
The years that pass are naught but a moment in your eternal life
'Ali O 'Ali
O Innocent Son of Love
Your beginning is not in the womb nor is your ending in the grave, for you are you
'Ali O 'Ali
O Wreath of Laurel on our honored heads, of whom the Sultan of Prophets has said, "Looking at him is a form of worship"
Your reality is fashioned of the boundless tenderness and affection of ar-Rahmaan and ar-Raheem
'Ali O 'Ali
O Sweet Sincerity of Loving Surrender
Yours is the Yoke of Submission and the Stronghold of Intimacy
'Ali O 'Ali
O Matchless Beauty of Sincerity
Your life is the beginning and the ending of worship for those who thirst for inexhaustible bliss
'Ali O 'Ali
O Teacher in the Ways of Love
Bring me back from forgetfulness to your Unbreakable Home
'Ali O 'Ali
O Mirror of the mirrors of the Truth of truths
I come to you drunk and find myself drowning in your Ocean of Knowledge and Understanding
'Ali O 'Ali
O Living Breeze of the Divine Tempest
For your sake the Beloved longs to weed out all the dead, songless strings in existence
'Ali O 'Ali
O Master of Spiritual Unveiling
To you belong the Standard and the Maximum Prudence
'Ali O 'Ali
O Imam in the Presence of the Beloved
For your sake the Hidden is Seen and the Seen Hidden
'Ali O 'Ali
O King of Ihsaan and Eloquence
What mystic is there who would refuse to drink from your cup?
'Ali O 'Ali
O Haydar of the Two Worlds
'Ali O 'Ali
O Owner of Wilayat and Perfection
Sweet peace be upon you O Holder of the banner of the Master of existences, Muhammad
'Ali O 'Ali